The last 250K

One full week after Beryl, a lot of people still don’t have power.

Seen at I-10 and Sawyer

CenterPoint Energy has restored power to over 2 million customers as of Monday morning, leaving about 250,000 residents without electricity a week after Hurricane Beryl swept through the Houston area.

The much-maligned utility company released a statement Monday that repairs were ahead of its previously announced schedule, with power on track to return to 98 percent of the 2.2 million affected customers by the end of Wednesday.

CenterPoint officials also have started providing customer outage totals for 12 “service areas.” As of 8 a.m. Monday, the Humble and Bellaire areas have the most households without power, totaling over 60,000 in each area. Other areas dealing with the most outages include Greenspoint, southeastern Houston, and Baytown.

“Our restoration crews are now converging on remaining areas with significant structural damage as well as localized outages to get the lights back on for those customers who are without power,” CenterPoint said in their Sunday night statement.


CenterPoint responded on Sunday night, saying that the Houston area had not been hit by the “dirty side” of a hurricane since 1983. Company officials also said workers have been restoring power at a faster rate than during Hurricane Ike in 2008.

I mean, I know people who were without power for more than two weeks following Ike. One of them stayed with us until she finally got her power restored. I know people who were still without power as of yesterday. I feel terrible for them, and a little guilty that we were only without power for three days. We’ve all had plenty to say about what could have been done and what should now be done. I just want to say how sorry I am to everyone who’s still suffering in the heat. Every one of you deserved so much better. The Chron and the Atlantic have more.

UPDATE: By Monday evening that unlucky number was down to 142K. Still way too many.

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Now we’re concerned about crypto mining?

So, are we like gonna roll up the red carpet we laid out for these guys a couple of years ago?

Texas is now home to 10 of 34 large Bitcoin mines.

During cold spells or heat waves, Texans are commonly called on to conserve power. For example, in August 2023, the state’s grid operator issued eight conservation requests, asking the public to reduce electricity use to help prevent an emergency in which rolling blackouts could be required. Increasingly, Texas lawmakers are worried that energy-hungry mines will make it harder to keep the lights on across the state.

“They’re going to put our grid at risk because of the power they’re drawing,” said state Sen. José Menéndez, D-San Antonio, at a public hearing on June 12.

For more than six hours, senators on the Business and Commerce Committee pressed grid operators, public utility commissioners and representatives from industries, including manufacturing, oil and gas and cryptocurrency. Chief among legislators’ concerns was the massive growth in energy demand on the state’s main electrical grid, which is estimated to go from a peak demand of about 85,000 megawatts last year to 150,000 megawatts in 2030, according to estimates from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.

Following the hearing, in a post on social media, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick declared, “it can’t be the Wild Wild West of data centers and crypto miners crashing our grid and turning the lights off.”

Currently, cryptocurrency mining — mostly for Bitcoin — can draw up to 2,600 megawatts of power from the grid operated by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, ERCOT’s senior vice president, Woody Rickerson, told senators. That’s about the same amount of power used by the city of Austin, and another 2,600 megawatts of mining is already approved to connect to the grid. Even more Bitcoin mines are expected to come to Texas in the near future.

ERCOT estimates that as much as 43,600 megawatts of additional electricity demand will be added to the grid by 2027 from facilities classified as “Large Flexible Loads” requiring more than 75 megawatts. In a statement to Inside Climate News, ERCOT said, “currently, the crypto mining industry represents the largest share of large flexible loads seeking to interconnect to the ERCOT System.” Data centers for artificial intelligence and facilities for producing hydrogen from water through electrolysis also make up part of the large flexible loads.

To meet the major growth in demand, driven in large part by Bitcoin mining, Texas is turning to natural gas power plants, with taxpayers providing the down payment. In 2023, the Texas Legislature passed a loan program, later approved by voters as ballot Proposition 7, to give low-interest loans to companies to build or expand power plants. At first, the Texas Energy Fund will have $10 billion to award, after receiving more than $39 billion in requests.

One of the companies applying for a loan is Constellation Energy, which owns the Wolf Hollow II power plant in Granbury. Constellation has an agreement with Marathon Digital, allowing Marathon to rent space next to the power plant for Bitcoin mining and purchase power directly from Wolf Hollow II.

Marathon has a capacity to use up to 300 megawatts of power, and Constellation wants to add additional turbines onto Wolf Hollow II capable of generating that much power.

In an application to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Constellation said the power plant expansion would include eight turbines, and it applied for air permits to release more than 796,000 additional tons of carbon dioxide per year. Such massive greenhouse gas emissions have made cryptocurrency mining the focus of intense opposition by climate activists.

The deal between Marathon and Constellation, known as a power purchase agreement, is part of what makes Bitcoin mines major players in the Texas energy market — not simply consumers of power. In most agreements, crypto facilities lock in a relatively low rate to purchase electricity “behind the meter,” so the supply does not enter the ERCOT market. But Bitcoin mining companies can later decide to sell that power to the rest of the grid through the ERCOT market, rather than powering their computers.

For example, Riot Platforms operates two of the largest existing Bitcoin facilities in the world, both located in Texas. The New York Times reported last year that Riot Platforms’ operation in Rockdale was the most power-intensive Bitcoin mining operation in the country, using “about the same amount of electricity as the nearest 300,000 homes.”

One of the facilities has been able to pay as low as 2.5 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity, while the average price across Texas in 2022 was more than 10 cents.

In August 2023, when energy prices were high amid scorching summer days, Riot Platforms made $24.2 million from reselling power purchased through their private agreements onto the wholesale energy market, almost tripling the $8.6 million the company made that month mining and selling Bitcoin.

“They can game the system in a few different ways for their profit,” said Mandy DeRoche, an attorney at the nonprofit Earthjustice, who has worked on cases involving crypto mines across the country.

Separately, Bitcoin companies can participate in demand response programs, in which the companies allow ERCOT operators to control the energy load of the facility and lower their usage to compensate for sudden outages or periods of high demand elsewhere on the grid. These situations arise most often during extreme weather. Companies get paid a premium by ERCOT for participating in demand response, and they get paid an additional fee each time their energy load is controlled through the program. Riot Platforms made $7.2 million from these programs in August 2023, according to a monthly earnings report.

“Texas has set up a system which allows crypto mining to be significantly advantaged,” said state Sen. Charles Schwertner (R-Georgetown), the chairman of the Business and Commerce Committee.

See here, here, here, and here for some background; that third link covers the energy market arbitrage issue. This Nick Anderson cartoon is a good refresher on the situation. It’s not an accident that we’re surrounded by Bitcoin miners in Texas. We have taken significant steps to lure them here, and they have established a foothold. The Republican solution to ensuring that the grid didn’t collapse into a pile of dust as a result of this was to put up public money for building more natural gas power plants. Are we really changing course here? It’s been the Republicans who were the biggest cheerleaders of this. Forgive my cynicism, but that’s not how this normally works.

On a side note, the story leads off with a report about all the noise that the mines generate and how annoyed people in places like Hunt County are by this. That’s a local and state issue, and people should be yelling at their County Commissioners and State Reps about it, but those lines aren’t always clear, which leads me to note that one Ted Cruz is a big Bitcoin fan. Maybe this is something Colin Allred can bash him over? You never know what might move some votes. Just a thought.

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Federal ban on home distilling ruled unconstitutional

I have somewhat mixed feelings about this.

A federal judge in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon for their personal consumption.

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman, an appointee of Republican former President Donald Trump in Fort Worth, on Wednesday agreed with the Hobby Distillers Association’s lawyers that the longstanding ban exceeded Congress’s taxing power and ran afoul of the U.S. Constitution’s Commerce Clause.

He issued a permanent injunction barring the ban from being enforced against the Hobby Distillers Association’s members but stayed his decision for 14 days so the government could seek a stay at the appellate court level.

Devin Watkins, a lawyer for the Texas-based hobby group at the libertarian think tank Competitive Enterprise Institute, said in an email the ruling “respects the rights of our clients to live under a government of limited powers.”

The U.S. Department of Justice, which defended the law, did not respond to a request for comment.

The hobby group, along with four of its 1,300 members, sued agencies tasked with enforcing the ban in December, arguing the government’s regulatory reach could not extend to activities conducted within their homes.

They filed their lawsuit against agencies including the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), a division of the U.S. Department of the Treasury that regulates and collects taxes on alcohol, and the Justice Department, which can prosecute felony violations.


The Justice Department argued the ban was a valid measure designed by Congress to protect the substantial revenue the government raises from taxing distilled spirits by limiting where plants could be located.

But Pittman said the ban, which is incorporated into two separate statutes, was not a valid exercise of Congress’s taxing power as it did not raise revenue and “did nothing more than statutorily ferment a crime.”

“While prohibiting the possession of an at-home still meant to distill beverage alcohol might be convenient to protect tax revenue on spirits, it is not a sufficiently clear corollary to the positive power of laying and collecting taxes,” he wrote.

He said the ban on producing spirits at home likewise could not be sustained under Congress’ power to regulate interstate commerce, saying it did not further a comprehensive interstate market regulation given that there were “many aspects of the alcohol industry that Congress has left untouched.”

This is the first I had heard of this, though I did mention the Hobby Distillers Association and their then-nascent efforts towards legalizing their activities way back in 2014. That Reuters story, which I just stumbled across, is the only mainstream account I’ve seen as of the weekend; all the Google news searches have led to stories on rightwing and obscure-to-me sites. Boing Boing has a decent summary, which notes that this is still a pretty limited ruling, as “federal authorities have the power to seize and forfeit equipment, property, and even land used in illegal distilling operations” even after the ruling, so don’t go crazy just yet.

I favor the principle that people should be able to engage in home distilling. We have legalized home brewing and home winemaking, I don’t see a sufficient distinction between them and home distilling to warrant banning the latter. State laws would need to be updated as well to really allow this activity, and I’d be in favor of that. Let people make their booze at home if they want.

The flip side to this is who was working with the Hobby Distillers Association and what their larger goals are. This Observer story from May gets into that, noting that groups like the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the super-evil Federalist Society had their hands in this case (though not with the Hobby Distillers’ blessing). This bit at the end sums up my ambivalence:

Eric Segall, constitutional law professor at the Georgia State University College of Law, told the Observer he disagrees with the larger goals of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. But Segall said he believes hobby distillers have a strong argument: Home distillation does not appear to be an “economic activity” the government can regulate under the Commerce Clause. “If it goes to the Supreme Court, it’s highly likely that the law will be struck down. … As currently constituted, the Supreme Court will not be sympathetic to this law.”

Since 1937, the Supreme Court has ruled against the federal government’s power to regulate commerce only three times, Segall said. While he doesn’t believe a win for the plaintiffs would damage the Commerce Clause doctrine, Segall says it would be a symbolic political victory for right-wing libertarians.

“The stakes aren’t that high. But it’s always a sunny day for the Federalist Society, if the Court strikes down a law under the Commerce Clause,” Segall said.

Yeah. I’d much rather that Congress pass a law, or amend the existing law, to carve out this exception. Leave the Commerce Clause out of it. It might be a wise move for the Justice Department to let this slide and not appeal it, so as to contain the damage. We’ll see what happens.

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Oh, look, Greg Abbott’s back


Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday slammed utility CenterPoint Energy, which has yet to restore power for hundreds of thousands of customers in the Houston area, and ordered the company to take steps to improve power reliability.

In his first public appearance since returning from a pre-planned economic development trip to Asia, the governor asked CenterPoint to send his office a detailed plan by the end of the month outlining how it will prepare differently for future hurricanes this season. Abbott said the plan must include better preparation for linemen, increasing the number of workers to restore power and trimming trees that could fall on power lines.

If CenterPoint fails to comply with his request, the governor said he will issue an executive order imposing his own requirements on the company. And he said that if the utility is unable to “fix its ongoing problems,” the state would have to reconsider the breadth of the territory it serves. CenterPoint maintains the wires, poles and electric infrastructure serving more than 2.6 million customers in Texas across the greater Houston area and some coastal communities like Galveston.

“Maybe they have too large of an area for them to be able to manage adequately,” Abbott said. “It’s time to reevaluate whether or not CenterPoint should have such a large territory.”

The governor on Sunday also sent a letter to Thomas Gleeson, chair of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, ordering him to launch an investigation into CenterPoint and deliver a report on its findings by Dec. 1. He said allegations that CenterPoint was “penny-pinching and cutting corners” must be investigated. “Was CenterPoint protecting Texans, or was it protecting its own pocketbook?” Abbott said at the press conference.


The press conference marked Abbott’s first public briefing since the storm made landfall in Matagorda County on Monday. The governor spent the past week visiting politicians and business leaders in South Korea, Taiwan and Japan. Patrick acted as governor while Abbott was abroad, requesting a disaster declaration from President Joe Biden and holding briefings throughout southeast Texas in the aftermath of the storm.

Abbott emphasized that lawmakers will work together to craft laws during the next legislative session to improve power reliability but that action must be taken now since more hurricanes could be looming. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30 and federal forecasters predict the highest number of storms ever for the 2024 season.

Abbott asked that CenterPoint remove vegetation around power lines no later than Aug. 31. CenterPoint officials said during a meeting before the PUC this week that damaged trees were a leading cause of infrastructure damage and outages after Beryl.

Abbott also cited reports that CenterPoint may have been “caught off guard” by Beryl’s magnitude and the level of devastation it caused in Houston. The storm was originally forecast to have the greatest impact in South Texas but it turned northeastward and ended up hitting areas further north.

By the end of the month, the company must specify how they will pre-stage sufficient workers to immediately respond to future power outages, Abbott said.

I’m not going to pretend to have anything resembling respect for Greg Abbott, so feel free to discount what I’m about to say by whatever amount you want. My first reaction is just to wonder what exactly happens if Abbott scales back CenterPoint’s territory. What does that even mean? What provider would take over? Would they inherit the same equipment that CenterPoint now uses or would they have to install their own? How would customers’ billing get switched over? I’m sure CenterPoint will take this threat seriously, but I’m at a loss to understand how it could be carried out.

As far as the specific actions Abbott mentioned, I don’t have any quarrel with them, but is CenterPoint expected to pay for them all out of their own cash flow, or can they pass those costs along to us? How will we even know if they do that? And again, what exactly are the consequences for not meeting the deadlines? That goes back to my first set of questions, because I have no idea who the understudy is for CenterPoint. Are we even sure they’d be better than what we have now?

Finally, as far as the future legislative agenda is concerned, that too is what I would want to see happen, I just don’t have any trust that our Legislature is up to the task. We were promised a lot of things after the freeze of 2021, and I don’t think anyone can say with a straight face that the grid is better positioned now than it was three years ago.

Chron business columnist Chris Tomlinson puts it this way.

CenterPoint is a $19 billion, for-profit corporation granted a monopoly over a hundred years ago to manage and maintain the transmission and distribution of electricity across the Houston region. This regulated utility failed to deliver power to 85% of its customers during the height of a mild hurricane.

In a perfect world, the Public Utility Commission would have ensured CenterPoint maintained a grid resilient enough to withstand a stronger storm. Instead, elected officials are asking the wrong questions about the emergency response.

“I’ll tell you whether I’m satisfied or not when I have a full report of where their crews were, when they were asked to come in and how quickly they get power back. That will be the tale of the tape.” Patrick said earlier this week.

Wrong. The important question is, why did so many CenterPoint powerlines and poles snap so easily? Why wasn’t the grid built stronger, and why wasn’t vegetation cut away? These are CenterPoint’s primary responsibilities for which they receive a guaranteed profit from customer bills, and they didn’t fulfill them.

CenterPoint officials have stammered their responses.

“What we’ve seen now is more impact than what we originally thought that we were going to see,” Alyssia Oshodi, CenterPoint director of communications, told KHOU television.

CenterPoint had plenty of warnings. So is the problem shoddy maintenance work by CenterPoint subcontractors after the company trimmed 700 employees since 2020 to boost profits? Did the company cheap out on materials and engineering standards? Does the company believe blacking out 85% of its customers in a Category 1 hurricane is acceptable?

Is the PUC allowing CenterPoint and other corporations to put profits ahead of people?

I suspect the answer is yes to all of these questions because that’s what happens when one political party runs the show for 26 years. Politicians get lazy when they think voters won’t hold them accountable. Incumbents prioritize making powerful corporations happy, a problem true of all political parties.

Investigative journalists are digging, but only someone with subpoena power can get to the emails, memos and data inside CenterPoint headquarters in Houston.

An attentive attorney general would have already sent a letter demanding the company preserve records. But Texas’ top law enforcement officer, Ken Paxton, is too busy sending fundraising emails promising vengeance on his enemies.

Following the 2021 blackouts, Abbott promised an investigation and corrective action to fix the state’s primary electric grid. He proclaimed the problem solved that summer. Yet, within weeks, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas began declaring a series of emergencies, warning of possible blackouts. The grid is still broken.

Patrick and Paxton promised to investigate why the energy system failed during Winter Storm Uri. Those inquiries have yet to yield results, with lawmakers too busy defending oil and gas campaign donors who pocketed tens of billions of dollars in profit from Texans’ suffering.

The point is that Abbott, and the Public Utility Commission that he appoints that oversees CenterPoint, could have been asking these questions and taking these actions and demanding these results before Beryl blew through. But they didn’t, so now he’s out there throwing his weight around. The operational failures are CenterPoint’s, but the oversight failures are theirs. So color me skeptical that Abbott et al are going to do a better job of it now. Houston Landing has more.

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Galveston’s recovery

I wish them well.

Gaido’s, like most businesses in Galveston, is hoping for a swift return to normalcy after Hurricane Beryl knocked out power across much of the island during the region’s peak economic season. Five days after landfall, many stores, bars and restaurants had begun to open their doors again, waiting for customers who have been slow to trickle in in the aftermath of the Category 1 storm.

While other restaurants are eagerly open for business, Gaido’s has not yet been so lucky. The Galveston mainstay, as with about 28,000 other homes and businesses in the county, still did not have power as of Friday afternoon, according to the City of Galveston.

“All we can do is try to find the silver lining each day, work on some extra details and cleaning we don’t get to do on a daily basis and try to get hours to our team that need to put food on the table,” Gaido said. “But yeah, we’re eager, we’re ready to be open and as soon as we get power, we’re going to be rocking and rolling.”

The recovery has proceeded at different paces for various residents and business owners, even within the same neighborhood. In downtown Galveston, Conex Coffee Company served a steady stream of customers all week while employees at Yaga’s Cafe hustled to open the restaurant for dinner on Friday evening, after getting power back the night before.


Like most Galveston residents, business owners agree that the occasional hurricane is the cost of living and doing business on the island. Losing a week’s worth of business in the middle of beach season, when tourist activity is the highest, however, still stings.

Mike Dean, the owner of Yaga’s Cafe on the Strand, estimates that he lost out on about $100,000 in business being closed since Monday. After nearly four decades in Galveston, though, he’s optimistic that Yaga’s and other businesses will come out the other side. The restaurant survived an 18-month closure in 2005 after Hurricane Rita knocked down an entire wall of the building.

“I believe in the people that are around me and the people that work for me. We’re going to figure it out,” Dean said. “If the tourists don’t come, we’ll just have to tighten our budgets and change our expectations, because storm season’s not over. We’ll be cautious, be careful, promote our events and knuckle our way through.”

Gina Spagnola, the CEO of the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce, admits that the prospect of another hurricane — after Beryl arrived so early in the season — “keeps (her) up at night.” She said, however, that it’s crucial for people to understand that Galveston is open for business. The Port of Galveston opened to cruise and cargo ships on Tuesday, and city services are back up and running.

Spagnola encouraged Houston-area residents to make use of Galveston’s public beaches as a way to escape the heat.

“Our businesses can’t continue another week or two (without customers),” Spagnola said. “We want those visitors to come down here and to shop here and eat here because that will be the biggest boost back in our ability to recover.”

It’s always hard on small businesses after an event like Beryl, but at least in Houston those businesses mostly depend on a local customer base. Galveston is much more dependent on visitors, and most people aren’t thinking about weekend getaways right now. If that’s in the realm of possibility for you, I’m sure they’d love to have you come down.

UPDATE: The Houston Landing has a story on the same topic this morning.

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Please chainsaw responsibly

From the “Things That Shouldn’t Need To Be Said But Really Really Are” department:

Maybe leave it to an expert

People in the Houston area eager to dig out of the damage wrought by Hurricane Beryl already have a list of challenges facing them: near-record heat, humidity, lack of power or internet and obstacles on or near roadways that were in the storm’s path.

Safety experts are asking people with uprooted or damaged trees to avoid adding to that list by knowing the ins and outs of a subject especially important in the aftermath of a storm: chainsaw safety.

“We know how dangerous they can be. And it is something that should be not taken lightly: using a chainsaw,” Jordan Herrin, the regional forester for Texas A&M Forest Service, told the Texas Newsroom. “Know your limits, know your skill level, and do what’s safe. There’s so much that can be unsafe after a major disaster like a hurricane.”

As crews of professionals are working steadily to clear roadways and repair power lines, some do-it-yourself Texans are taking to their own yards to clean up whatever debris they can. Herrin said sometimes there can be more than meets the eye when taking on that task.

“Trees, vegetation [and] you mix in power lines – they all get put into really, weird binds,” he said. “And so, it doesn’t normally act like just cutting down a tree or maybe cutting up some branches. There are new forces at play.”

Tens of thousands of people are injured using chainsaws every year, and the risk tends to increase after natural disasters, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The total includes 36,000 people per year who require a chainsaw-related visit to the emergency room.

Herrin urges Texans intent on cleaning up what they can to heed advice from the forest service, whose websites includes a rundown of safety tips for new and experienced users. Tips include everything from wearing protective gear to having a pre-planned escape route clear in case of an emergency. People should also keep in mind that not all yards and trees are the same.

“Just because your neighbors were able to easily remove a tree doesn’t mean you are,” he said. “Just thinking before you act is probably the single best step that you can take right now.”

Back in college I remember hearing a fellow student, a jock type from a small rural town, tell of a little chainsaw incident he was involved in that resulted in an injury to his arm. His response was to hop in his pickup truck and drive to the hair salon his mom owned to ask her for assistance. My naive New York-raised brain doesn’t remember how it all ended, but he obviously lived to tell the tale and still had both his arms attached, albeit with a visible scar on one of them, so it all worked out in the end. Maybe try to avoid putting yourself in a similar situation, that’s the lesson I’m taking from this.

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Weekend link dump for July 14

There’s a bunch of active MLB players who have or are making a case for the Hall of Fame.

“But AI is creeping into television more and more – and it could come at a major cost to the industry. Though the WGA and Sag-Aftra made a lot of noise about AI’s job-stealing potential in last year’s Hollywood strikes, a recent report by CVL Economics says it’s still likely that 203,800 American entertainment jobs will be “disrupted” by AI by 2026. This makes the technology a frightening agent of change for television, and the entertainment industry at large.”

“The highest camp on the world’s tallest mountain is littered with garbage that is going to take years to clean up, according to a Sherpa who led a team that worked to clear trash and dig up dead bodies frozen for years near Mount Everest’s peak.”

RIP, Jon Landau, Oscar-winning movie producer of Titanic and both Avatar films, among others.

RIP, Joe Egan, co-founder of Stealer’s Wheel who co-wrote and sang lead on “Stuck In the Middle With You”.

“Hurley Was Meant to Be an Entirely Different Character on ‘Lost'”.

“I’m talking about the Summer of the Shark.”

“Baseball trading cards worth $2 million allegedly stolen from Dallas card show”.

RIP, Shelley Duvall, iconic actor best known for The Shining and multiple Robert Altman movies, also an Emmy-nominated producer and owner of a production company.

RIP, Benji Gregory, former child actor best known for ALF.

RIP, Carol Bongiovi, mother of Jon Bon Jovi and founder of his fan club.

“Just a reminder: we are talking about Bridgerton fans. People watching a show full of sparkly dresses, dance cards and Coldplay on violin. What on earth is it about the show that evokes so much rage, particularly towards the actors of colour?”

Except you, Harrison Butker. We don’t need you.”

“Rudy Giuliani is no longer entitled to bankruptcy protection, a judge decided Friday, making it possible for creditors to immediately pursue his assets within days.”

RIP, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, sex expert, radio and TV host, author, cultural icon, all around mensch. I learned yesterday that she was in attendance at my high school graduation, as she was friends with the family of one of my classmates. I got that via the feed of another classmate who interned on her WYNY radio show in the 80s.

RIP, Richard Simmons, fitness guru, television personality, also a cultural icon.

RIP, Shannen Doherty, actor best known for Beverly Hills 90210 and Charmed.

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New accusations of sexual harassment in the Texas Senate

A followup to a story from seven years ago. Sadly but not surprisingly, very little has changed since then.

Texas senators were silent on Friday in the face of fresh allegations of sexual harassment revealed in in a Texas Monthly investigation.

The reporting focuses on the culture in the upper chamber in the post #MeToo era, examining how rules meant to protect people from sexual harassment go unenforced.

Notably, the story cited an interview from an unnamed University of Texas at Austin student, who in 2018 complained that state Rep. Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown, sent her inappropriate texts through an encrypted messenger app, including a photo of his penis he called “proof of life.”

Schwertner told investigators at the time that someone had used his phone and he did not send the photos. A University of Texas investigation did not clear him of wrongdoing but could not definitively prove that he sent the message from his own phone.

Schwertner, who was arrested on suspicion of driving drunk last year, has been restored to good standing in the Senate where he chairs a committee and is a close ally of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.

“It was just frustrating because all these people are saying he’s such a good guy, he’s a family man,” the woman told Texas Monthly. “There’s data evidence and there’s time stamps and there’s IP addresses” on the messages. “How is this still happening?”

The story also reports a new allegation from an unnamed Senate staffer who said Schwertner followed her to a break room, hugged her and grabbed her butt. The staffer said he also asked her to connect with him on an encrypted messenger app.

Schwertner and his office did not respond to requests for comment.

The article surfaces a new allegation against Sen. Borris Miles, D-Houston, who was previously charged in an incident where he pulled a gun at a party where he allegedly kissed a woman against her will. He was acquitted, but sued by the woman, resulting in a settlement.

Tayhlor Coleman, a Houston-based political consultant, said Miles touched her inappropriately when they greeted each other at a party in 2016.

“He specifically grabbed me in for a hug, slid his hand down, and palmed my butt,” she told the magazine.

Miles and his office did not respond to a request for comment.

In a statement to the Tribune, Patrick, who serves as the president of the Senate, pushed back against characterizations within the Texas Monthly story that the Senate workplace culture and policies allow sexual harassment to continue with little protections for victims.

“Texas Monthly has falsely maligned me and the nearly 75 different senators I have proudly served with as a Senator and as lieutenant governor. The members and I take this issue very seriously,” Patrick said. “Harassment of any type is not tolerated on my own staff. Each of my staff, including myself, has taken sexual harassment prevention training, as have Senators and their staffs.”

The office of Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, did not respond to requests for comment. Kolkhorst oversaw changes to the Senate’s sexual harassment policy following a round of accusations about Texas lawmakers in 2017.

“The Senate’s policy is robust and offers multiple avenues for victims to report sexual harassment without fear of retaliation while providing a fair and just process for those accused,” Patrick said.

I write about the Schwertner story multiple times in 2018; see here, here, and here for a sample. Before that was the first story about sexual harassment at the Legislature, which generated a lot of talk and eventually some updated policies, with the House taking the lead and the Senate grudgingly following along. And then, after the Schwertner story, we mostly forgot about it all, though as this story notes the 2023 expulsion of super creep Bryan Slaton by the House was in part a result of those updated policies.

You need to read the Texas Monthly story, either via subscription or it being your first click on one of their stories in whatever time period you have to wait since the last time you clicked and got a freebie, to get the full details. The Trib story at least gives you the gist of it. I hope this article will generate more reporting. In the meantime, let me leave you with a couple of tweets from author Olivia Messer.

As I said, I hope there’s more reporting. Because Lord knows, there’s plenty more to the story.

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At least the bayous did well

This is a good news/bad news situation.

Houston’s bayous performed well during Hurricane Beryl on Monday, but the storm tested the limits on how much water the system can handle, Harris County meteorologist Jeff Lindner said.

The area was aided by a hot and dry spell prior to Monday, which made the ground dry enough to help absorb some water, Lindner said Tuesday. The speed at which Hurricane Beryl moved also helped limit the damage, he added.

“A slower moving storm would’ve produced more rainfall, and a greater amount of rainfall, we would have likely had additional amounts of flooding,” Lindner said. “We were kind of right at that eight to 10 inches, which is reaching the capacity of a lot of what we can handle.”

Areas that did experience some flooding were those where it was expected, such as along Clear Creek and Brays Bayou, and high water at White Oak and Buffalo Bayous. Still, he said, that was considered minor flooding with limited damage to homes.

“When I started this 20 years ago, a foot of rain or eight inches of rain would have caused hundreds of homes to flood,” Lindner said. “Our bayous and creeks did really well.”

Plenty of work has gone into widening some of the bayous and building out further flood control infrastructure. Lindner said infrastructure improvements approved by voters after Hurricane Harvey are having a positive effect in the face of these storms, and maintenance efforts to clean up after May’s derecho storm were vital to having the area’s flood mitigation infrastructure ready for Beryl.

The next storm may not be as kind, he cautioned.

“Everything has a limit. This time, our limit did pretty well,” Lindner said. “A lot of things helped us yesterday.”

Despite more rain and thunderstorms on the horizon, officials said there was “no concern” of additional flooding this week. Those storms would be typical afternoon rain showers and thunderstorms with no expectation of widespread heavy rainfall.

Jim Blackburn, co-director of the Severe Storm Prediction, Education and Evacuation from Disaster Center at Rice University, cautioned the good tidings may not last long.

“The real issue is (the bayous) performed well, but the rainfall amounts were nowhere near what we anticipate with storms that are yet to come,” Blackburn said. “If we’d had another three or four inches, we would have had extremely widespread flooding.

Good news: We didn’t flood! The work we’ve done since Hurricane Harvey helped! The cleanup we did after the derecho also helped!

Bad news: It would not have taken much to have added widespread flooding to the misery we’re now experiencing. Climate change increases the risk that the next time will be worse. We can’t depend on what has happened in the past as a guide for the future.

So yeah. Take the win where you can. But don’t rest on your laurels. We have work to do to help minimize the risk of that next storm, which we all know is coming.

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San Antonio gets BRT (*) funds

At least someone is moving forward with a big transit project.

U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, whose 28th district stretches from Laredo to South and East San Antonio, has secured $110 million in federal funding for VIA’s first rapid transit route.

The money comes from the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure’s fiscal 2025 appropriations bill, according to details released by Cuellar, a Democrat indicted in May on federal corruption charges.

“Quality transportation infrastructure is key to growth and a high quality of life in our community,” Cuellar said in a statement. “I secured these federal dollars to ensure my constituents in the Southside have reliable transportation to and from San Antonio’s key destinations, including San Antonio International Airport and VIA Metro Center. Ultimately, VIA’s North/South Corridor Project will help keep San Antonio connected.”

VIA’s proposed Green Line will be the transit authority’s first Advanced Rapid Transit system. The 12-mile route will begin at San Antonio International Airport and ferry passengers down San Pedro Avenue, through the heart of downtown, along Southtown’s St Mary’s Street and into the South Side.

The line will feature 26 new stations along with specially designed buses that travel down a dedicated center lane. Planners hope adding the special lane will alleviate traffic congestion while improving travel time and efficiency.

Construction on the $446.3 million project is expected to begin early next year, with the route expected to be up and running sometime in 2027, VIA Senior Vice President of Engagement Jon Gary Herrera previously told the Current.

San Pedro is a main north-south route, and this route will run from the airport through some commercial and residential areas and into downtown. It’ll be walking distance from the Trinity campus, which is especially cool as far as I’m concerned. It’s the first line of its kind so it won’t be connecting to anything but regular bus service – the way San Antonio is, I’m not sure what a good connecting line would look like, but who knows – but you have to start somewhere. Well, so I’ve heard, anyway. We would hardly know here in Houston. Not that I’m jealous or anything.

(*) The story calls this “Advanced Rapid Transit”, or “ART”, which from the description sounds similar to BRT but is probably just regular buses in dedicated lanes. Not clear, it doesn’t get into the details. Point is, it’s s step up from regular bus service, it’s getting federal funds, and it’s not being built here. Close enough.

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Saturday Beryl roundup

We need better outage data.

Courtesy of Whisker Labs

Meanwhile, the system that once fed CenterPoint’s map – which has quietly continued to report data under the hood of the utility’s website – became overwhelmed almost immediately after Beryl reached the greater Houston area.

It glitched for hours through Monday afternoon. The utility waited an additional 24 hours before posting a new outage-tracking map online. And that map came with a disclaimer warning about potential inaccuracies and lags.

“With the tool not functioning as it should, we worked to provide a short-term solution during the multi-day event,” said Logan Anderson, a CenterPoint spokesperson, in an email. “We recognize the inconvenience to our customers.”

New data made available by a Maryland-based technology company shows what the CenterPoint system should have been reporting all along. A wave of blackouts kept more than 60% of Harris County’s CenterPoint customers in the dark for over 24 hours. Restoration efforts progressed slowly, leaving over 865,000 customers still without power at 5 p.m. Thursday.

The company, Whisker Labs, is not a utility. It develops fire-prevention sensors. Yet, Whisker Labs’ technology proved more reliable in measuring power loss than CenterPoint’s specialized outage tracking systems.

“It’s shockingly bad how much the utilities actually know about their grid,” said Bob Marshall, the CEO and a co-founder of Whisker Labs. “They don’t have the technology, the sensors and the capability to understand what’s going on in real time, and to do it in a reliable way.”


CenterPoint’s internal system recorded a surge of outages in Harris County early Monday morning, as the deadly storm barreled from the coastal town of Matagorda north toward Sugar Land.

But when Beryl reached Interstate 10, the system suddenly malfunctioned, recording a dramatic – and erroneous – drop in Harris County’s outages.

The drop was compensated by an equally abrupt spike in outage reports with no location data.

“At the peak of the outages, somewhere around 2.2 to 2.3 million (CenterPoint) meters were out,” said Matt Hope, the co-founder of FindEnergy, a website that aggregates energy and solar data nationwide. “Over a million of those were falling into this unknown category.”

FindEnergy collected data from CenterPoint’s internal system in real time during the storm and shared it with the Chronicle.

The system’s technical glitches persisted throughout the day Monday. Nearly 600,000 reported outages were still missing location information at 9 p.m. that day.

As customers grew frustrated with CenterPoint’s communication lags and slow restoration times, Whisker Labs sensors funneled millions of data points into the company’s servers.

The sensors are everywhere in Harris County, said co-founder Marshall. That’s partly because the company partners with insurance companies to offer the small plug-in devices free of charge to homeowners.

In Harris County, Marshall estimated there are about 7,200 devices. Each device collects about 30 million electric signals every second, immediately alerting homeowners of impending electrical hazards and – most notably, this week – power outages.

The company’s sensor data was strikingly consistent with CenterPoint’s outage reports Monday morning. And, as the utility’s system malfunctioned, Whisker Labs sensors continued to record outages uninterrupted. The sensors also picked up on outages up to an hour faster than CenterPoint at the peak of the power loss.

There’s more, so read the rest. If we want CenterPoint to do a better job, this is a clear opportunity for improvement. It’s also exactly the sort of thing that could be mandated and assisted legislatively, at either the state or federal level.

Meanwhile, in other things that need to be fixed.

CenterPoint was still fixing damage caused by the May wind storm known as a “derecho” and by another damaging storm on May 28 when Beryl hit, Jason Ryan, CenterPoint’s executive vice president of regulatory services and government affairs, said in a July 1 interview. He estimated that CenterPoint would pay between $425 million and $475 million to repair poles, wires and transmission lines damaged during the two May storms.

Insurance does not cover damage to electrical poles, wires and transmission lines, and the cost for repairing damage from extraordinary events such as derechos and hurricanes is funded by bond offerings that are approved by the PUC and repaid through added charges on consumer bills.

“You’re looking at significantly less than $1 a month impact on customer bills, even though the number sounds very large,” Ryan said of the estimate. “Obviously, we won’t know until we get the final number, go through the process at the (Public Utility Commission) for them to review those costs and then approve or not the securitization.”

CenterPoint’s costs associated with the recovery from Hurricane Ike was $663 million, which added a $1.83 charge to customers’ bills between 2009 and 2022.

And this is an opportunity to talk about what sort of thing we should be doing to ensure that the new equipment is more resilient than the broken equipment. We already learned some things after Hurricane Ike, and the state of Florida has figured a lot of this out, too. How are we doing on that score? What could we be doing more of? What should we stop doing? If we’re not acting on this now, we’ll be facing the same questions when the next big storm comes through.

“Just bury the power lines!” I hear you cry. Sure, we can do that. There’s an obvious downside to that, which is that it’s way more expensive.

Burying distribution power lines en masse would cost three to five times more than putting lines overhead, Race said. That cost, he added, ultimately would fall to electricity customers.

Of the eight proposed grid-strengthening measures CenterPoint presents in its resiliency plan, undergrounding was considered as an alternative for three of them. Each of those three times, however, it was dismissed as cost prohibitive.

Additionally, Cohan said, underground line repairs often are more expensive and time consuming than overhead line fixes.

He also cautioned that the large-scale burial of power lines is unlikely to prevent widespread outages.

Burying power lines in every Houston neighborhood, Hundley’s email said, may not be possible.

“Because many neighborhoods in Houston are over 100 years old, the streets and yards are not designed to support underground distribution lines,” she wrote.

While burying power lines across the board may not be feasible, experts say it could be part of a larger grid-strengthening solution.

Grid resilience, Race said, must be discussed in a holistic way.

He suggested that burying lines in strategically identified areas could work in tandem with other steps toward increasing resiliency.

Cohan agreed.

“There may be specific instances where it makes sense to bury a power line,” Cohan said. “But with tens of thousands of miles of distribution lines criss-crossing our region, it’s not likely that we’re going to have a full-scale burying of power lines that’s going to be anywhere near as cost effective as other steps that might be taken.”

Other steps toward increasing grid resiliency, Race said, could include incorporating more backup power sources and better communication systems when preparing for major weather events. Trimming and better maintaining trees and greenery near power lines also could help.

Have I mentioned that this is the sort of thing that can be legislatively mandated, and also funded? We’re spending billions of taxpayer dollars to fund the construction of more natural gas power plants. We could spend a few bucks helping strengthen the distribution part of the grid as well.

You may be thinking “screw this, I’m just gonna get an generator for the next time”. Well, just use it carefully if you do.

An abnormally high number of patients have sought care for carbon monoxide poisoning this week in the Houston area, health officials and doctors said Thursday, as Hurricane Beryl knocked out power for millions and left many relying on portable generators.

“I think we’re on record pace here unfortunately,” said Dr. Joseph Nevarez, a UTHealth Houston professor and director of hyperbaric medicine and wound care at Memorial Hermann — Texas Medical Center.

Hurricane Beryl on Monday knocked out power for more than 2 million households, 1 million of whom still do not have power as of Thursday. Since the storm swept through Houston, four to eight patients per day have needed to use Memorial Hermann’s hyperbaric chamber, which delivers pure, pressurized oxygen and is usually reserved for the most severe cases of carbon monoxide poisoning, Nevarez said. Other patients have needed lower levels of care in the hospital’s emergency room.

The problem has further strained busy Houston emergency rooms and illustrated what health professionals say is a lack of education about an increasingly popular piece of machinery in the storm-stricken region.

While the number of carbon monoxide poisoning complaints usually increase with power outages, the Houston Health Department said the current volume stands out. Surveillance from medical facilities in Harris, Montgomery and Fort Bend counties found 116 carbon monoxide-related visits from midnight Monday to 10:45 a.m. Thursday, according to data provided by the health department.

“The Houston Health Department has not seen it spike so high as it did the past couple of days,” including the during the May derecho and Winter Storm Uri in 2021, said health department spokesman Porfirio Villarreal.


A common mistake, [Dr. David Persse, Houston’s chief medical officer] said, is placing the generator in the garage and cracking the garage door. That doesn’t provide enough ventilation, he said. People may also place the generator near an air vent, providing another way for the gas to make its way inside the home.

Nevarez noted that carbon monoxide sensors are relatively inexpensive and could help save lives.

“For many of our patients, it’s only by luck that they feel ill in the middle of the night and stagger or fall down and call for help, or it’s the baby crying that wakes them,” he said.

Read the manual and follow all the safety recommendations. Carbon monoxide is no joke.

Finally, HISD sustained a lot of damage on its campuses, though other area school districts and universities were a lot luckier. Meanwhile, many restaurants are hurting, from spoiled inventories to missing customers. Now is a great time to eat at your favorite places, they could use the help.

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Alternate route for the DFW high speed rail line


High-speed rail could zip past downtown Dallas under a revised route that regional elected leaders will consider this week.

The proposal, developed after the Dallas City Council approved a June 12 resolution opposing an elevated line through downtown and adjacent neighborhoods, will be shared at a Regional Transportation Council meeting scheduled July 11 in Arlington.

Fort Worth-area leaders have pledged to support a rail plan that will benefit North Texas, where the population is expected to double from 8 million to more than 15 million by 2050, according to growth estimates presented by the North Central Texas Council of Governments. The transportation council is an independent policy group of the council of governments.

The revised route to connect Dallas, Arlington and Fort Worth with high-speed rail to Houston incorporates about 97% of the initial proposal, said Michael Morris, director of transportation for the council of governments.

The new route “will salvage our commitment” to high-speed rail, Morris said. The plan was still being worked out days before the July 11 meeting.

Morris said it was ironic that Dallas City Council members opposed an elevated high-speed rail line through the city’s downtown, as they gave initial approval to the plan.

Under the new plan, a high-speed rail station would be located south of downtown and avoid connections to the Union Station rail complex and the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, which will undergo a $3.7 billion expansion intended to boost tourism, create jobs and connect downtown with South Dallas.


Dallas City Council member Chad West, who serves on the Regional Transportation Council, said the Dallas council has been on recess in July, so he hadn’t heard about the proposed route to bypass downtown Dallas.

He described that proposal as “interesting.”

The initial plan, he said, included a stop in The Cedars neighborhood south of downtown, which would address the Dallas council’s concerns about the rail project’s impact on the Central Business District.

“There are pros and cons to that,” West said, adding that he supports an underground stop in downtown Dallas.

West said he supports the rail project to Arlington and Fort Worth but wants to ensure that downtown Dallas is protected. Making downtown Dallas more walkable is important, West said, especially as the 2026 FIFA World Cup will bring hundreds of thousands of visitors to the city.

See here for the background. Nothing is ever certain until it happens, but it sounds like this could work. If this goes forward, and if it connects to the Texas Central high speed rail line to Houston, someone starting out in Fort Worth could end up at the terminal at Northwest Mall, where they won’t be easily able to connect to the rest of Houston, thanks to our Metro and its inaction. Not the happy ending we deserve, is it?

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Dispatches from Dallas, July 13 edition

This is a (usually) weekly feature produced by my friend Ginger. Let us know what you think.

The last few weeks, in news from Dallas-Fort Worth, we have a grab bag of catch-up items from elections to storms and their chasers; a lot of unpleasant people with big money putting in the hands of other unpleasant people; roundups of schools and environmental issues; Saks buys Neiman Marcus; where the high-speed rail is going around downtown Dallas; the Boomstick Glizzy; the State Fair semifinalist dishes; and more.

This week’s post was brought to you by Apple’s New Wave Essentials playlist, because I wanted to work with something familiar and beloved on. I didn’t finish the almost seven hour playlist while writing, but I was glad I had enough music to keep me company the whole way.

And now, the news, and what passes for news:

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The CenterPoint criticism

Lots more people in positions of power with things to say about CenterPoint’s performance this week. Here’s Rep. Sylvia Garcia:

U.S. Rep. Sylvia Garcia is tired of feeling left in the dark by CenterPoint Energy – both literally and figuratively.

On Wednesday morning, the Congresswoman, whose district wraps around much of the eastern edge of Houston, sent a strongly worded letter to the energy company’s CEO, Jason P. Wells, demanding answers as to why more than a million Houstonians remained without power two days after Hurricane Beryl slammed into the city.

“I write today to inquire about CenterPoint’s preparation for Hurricane Beryl, which left millions of your customers in the Houston region without electricity for now going on day 3,” Garcia wrote. “With scorching temperatures in the area, CenterPoint’s inability to restore power more quickly is creating a public health crisis forcing people to recover from a hurricane while they survive extreme heat.”

In the three-page letter, the Congresswoman poses several questions, including: Why were so many workers deployed the day after the storm ended, and not the same day?; Why was the outage tracking map never brought back online in the nearly two months after the derecho event?; and What is CenterPoint doing to improve reliability? How is this going to be prevented in the future?

“We just want to make sure that CenterPoint knows, in a strong and loud way, that people are unhappy,” Garcia said. “There are 1.3 million people who are still waiting. They need to know: Hey guys, this is Houston. It ain’t our first rodeo. We’ve been through this before. Why do we have to go through this every time we have an event?”

She lamented the fact that CenterPoint seems eager to share news when their quarterly earnings reach more than $1 billion, “but we don’t know what they’re planning to do to make our power go up in a minimum of two days.”

Logan Anderson, a spokesperson for CenterPoint, declined to comment on the letter Wednesday afternoon. “The company intends to respond to Congresswoman Garcia directly,” Anderson wrote in an email.

“I would consider a Congressional hearing about this at a later date, but I would like to hear a response first and sit and visit with them,” Garcia said Wednesday.

These are good questions, and I appreciate Rep. Garcia asking them. I hope she gets her answers. I will say, I would love to see some specific things that our leaders want from CenterPoint, along with at least a discussion of what resources are needed and what oversight will be required. They don’t need to have all the answers themselves, but their goals should be clear.

Here’s Mayor Whitmire and City Council.

Mayor John Whitmire criticized CenterPoint’s response to Hurricane Beryl at a Houston City Council meeting Wednesday, saying the energy company “needs to do a better job” restoring power to millions of customers who lost it when the storm tore through Houston.

“That is the consensus of Houstonians, that’s mine,” Whitmire told reporters after the meeting.

Whitmire, however, declined to give a grade on CenterPoint’s performance.

“I’m not in the business to grade,” Whitmire told the Houston Chronicle. “I’m in the business of saying, ‘Let’s get it done. Let’s fix it.’”


Council Member Edward Pollard, who represents the southwestern part of the city, told [Brad Tutunjian, CenterPoint’s vice president of electric distribution operations and power delivery] that he was getting calls from senior citizens and families with kids who didn’t understand why their power wasn’t being turned on, and he asked if CenterPoint would be changing its model.

“There has to be something that can be done or a learning lesson from how frequently and hard the storms are getting for us to be able to react and respond quicker,” Pollard said.

Tutunjian conceded that the company had to make changes. Vegetation management could be an option, he said, and more efforts to bury lines and make the system more resilient through modernizing the grid.

Tutunjian said CenterPoint as able to get around 175,000 customers back online quicker simply because they had more updated equipment.

Council Member Abbie Kamin asked about the cost of both the hurricane and the derecho in May. Tutunjian said the derecho cost the company “many millions” and that could not give a number on how much damage the hurricane caused.

Residents have raised concerns about CenterPoint’s outage map crashing after the derecho. Tutunjian said before Hurricane Beryl hit that CenterPoint had been working to get a cloud-based system up and running for its outage tracker and hopes to have it working by the end of the month.

All due respect, but I think it is in the Mayor’s purview to provide an assessment in this circumstance. I mean, “needs to do a better job” could mean “you’re an A student, please explain this C+ to me” or it could mean “you failed miserably”. Let’s at least be more specific about what we want, if for no other reason than we’ll know when and if we’re getting it.

On a side note, the Mayor also took a shot at the Astros.

“George Brown [Convention Center didn’t] have energy yesterday,” Whitmire said during Wednesday’s City Council meeting. “We have 1,500 students in the Marriott and the Hilton, but we’ve got a ballgame going on down the street two blocks [away]. We’ve got to get our priorities right.”

Not really sure what that has to do with anything. Would the GRB have had energy if the Astros had postponed their games? There are absolutely times when things like sports need to be set aside while more immediate matters are given proper attention. I don’t think the Astros were required to do that here.

And then there’s Greg Abbott.

Two days after Hurricane Beryl knocked out power for a record 2.26 million CenterPoint customers in the Houston area, Gov. Greg Abbott said he is directing the Public Utilities Commission to study why the region has not been able to access electricity “on multiple occasions.”

Abbott, who is currently on an economic development trip in Asia, said in two TV interviews on Wednesday that he wants to find out “why this is repeatedly happening in Houston.”


“They should not be losing power,” Abbott said in an interview with Bloomberg TV. “I want to find out: Was there a structural flaw with regard to the electrical delivery system? … Or was this a personnel issue of not having enough power personnel in all the right locations to get power back and going again?

“All I can tell you is this: I want the PUC to provide information to both me and the Texas Legislature so that we will be able to act on it next year to make sure events like this never happen again,” Abbott told Bloomberg TV.

Thomas Gleeson, the chair of the PUC, said at a Monday press conference that the agency would work with local utility companies after the storm to conduct a post-event analysis of the state’s response “to review what we’ve done and try to get better.” Abbott’s directive seems to focus just on the Houston area.

You mean like all the stellar work you did to fix the grid after Uri in 2021? Get back to me when you have something on that. And have fun on your little trip to Asia, we’re doing just fine without you.

The PUC has its own feedback.

The Texas Public Utilities Commission urged CenterPoint Energy on Thursday to communicate better with its 1 million-plus customers still without power, but leaders of the state’s utility supervisor stopped short of interrogating or criticizing the company’s response to Hurricane Beryl.

Members of the PUC, which regulates Texas electricity providers, encouraged CenterPoint officials at a public hearing to better address widespread accusations that the company has been disorganized and inefficient following Beryl. CenterPoint customers have been particularly frustrated with a lack of detailed, accurate information about when to expect power back.

About 2.2 million Houston-area customers, or 80 percent of CenterPoint’s customer base, lost power following the storm Monday. About 1.1 million remained without electricity Thursday afternoon, and CenterPoint officials said about 500,000 could remain without power into next week.

PUC Chairman Thomas Gleeson “strenuously urged” the company to rebuild trust with Houstonians after the disaster response concludes.

“Get out into the community. I don’t know if that’s town halls or what it looks like, but go talk to your customers,” Gleeson said. “Go talk to those residents about what happened, about ways that you feel you all can improve. Get feedback from them about their view on what can be improved.”


The hearing marked “the first step in the process” of evaluating how utility companies responded to the storm, Gleeson said.

Commissioners did not detail what actions will come next, but Gleeson said he talked to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick about the response to Beryl and “they’re going to figure this out.” Earlier this week, Patrick questioned CenterPoint’s response and said he expects a report on their preparations and response once restoration is completed. The company always completes post-mortem reviews after emergencies.

“We will probably end up filing a report as we head into the legislative session about our learnings, and potentially legislative solutions we may need,” Gleeson said.

Yes, that report plus potential legislative solutions are what I’m talking about. But see above in re: not fixing the grid after Uri. The “needs to do a better job” thing very much applies to the PUC.

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Other Beryl stuff

A mini-roundup, with mostly non-CenterPoint things.

How’s your Internet service?

An Xfinity spokesperson said Wednesday that service was restored to approximately 355,000 customers — or about 36% of those experiencing service outages — in the 36 hours after Hurricane Beryl moved out of the Houston area.

Millions of Houston area CenterPoint customers lost power after a Category 1 hurricane swept through the region, and about 1.3 million are still without power as of early Wednesday afternoon.

Xfinity said most of its current service outages are tied to power loss at homes and businesses.

Approximately 620,000 customers still did not have service, an Xfinity spokesperson wrote, and more than 700 technicians are deployed.

“At our peak, there were approximately 975,000 residential and business customers who experienced storm-related temporary loss of service. Most service interruptions are due to power outages,” wrote Senior Director of Communications and Public Relations Foti Kallergis. “Comcast’s critical network facilities remained online during and after the storm.”

We had Internet service for a few hours after we lost power on Monday. (We used one of our backup batteries to power it and the WiFi router.) At some point our cable modem stopped receiving a signal, and that was the case through Tuesday; I stopped bothering to check after that. When the power came back, so did Xfinity. I am aware of at least one person who had power but no Internet (I don’t know if this person is a Comcast user; other providers had similar reports), so the two are not completely correlated. But if you have power, you probably also have Internet.

One of the things that made the lack of Internet service so frustrating was that cellular service was also biting it.

As Monday dawned and it became apparent that Beryl’s visit would be much more than a glancing blow, power went out and people began calling for help via their cellular phones.

And in many cases — and for many of us, it felt like in most cases — these devices we rely on so heavily were worthless. If you were like me, you could not get online to check news or storm conditions.

You couldn’t talk to friends or reach them for help. Calls wouldn’t go through, or if they did, they’d quickly drop, or one party could not hear the other. I had several conversations in which the other person sounded like they were some kind of weird robot.

Even texting, which cellular carriers say is the best way to reach out during a disaster, failed regularly. For example, I didn’t hear from my daughter, a regular user of texting via Apple’s iMessage, for several hours, when suddenly I got a burst of a half dozen old texts that suddenly went through.

The situation wasn’t confined to just one carrier —– I saw dozens of complaints on social media from customers all the major telcos. On Facebook, I asked people to sound off about their current power, internet and cell status. At this writing, nearly a hundred folks have responded, and every carrier appears in the messages. (That said, based on the responses AT&T seems to have fared worse, followed by T-Mobile and then Verizon.)


Cell towers connect to both the power grid and data network grids, and a disruption to either of those links can result in diminished or totally unavailable service. Disruption can happen because of a lack of power, or a cut to the lines delivering electricity or data.

Most modern cellular towers have some kind of backup for power — either batteries or generators. Travis Profitt, AT&T’s director of network services, told me that in the case of his company’s towers, there may be a mix of both at any given site.

“Battery backup lasts a few hours, then the fixed generator kicks in,” Profitt said. That generator may use some kind of fuel, such as diesel, or run on natural gas, depending on whether the latter is available at the tower site.

He said there are a handful of towers that don’t have backup power, but those locations are in place only to plug holes in coverage. Other towers nearby can provide some service.

Profitt said that, during a hurricane, slowdowns or lack of cellular availability is often caused by a glut of network traffic. Everyone’s trying to communicate at once, and in some instances, a tower may be offline.

Carriers design their wireless networks so a tower’s coverage overlaps with others nearby. If one tower has issues, another can take up the slack. But with high traffic volumes, the network might still have trouble keeping up.

In addition, if the tower closest to you goes down but another one nearby can talk to your device, it may make a connection but still be far enough away that the signal is weak. (That situation, by the way, can reduce your phone’s battery life.)

I didn’t have any specific issues with texting or calling on Monday or Tuesday as far as I could tell, though my daughter did have some issues with making calls. But any kind of web browsing was extremely flaky – ironically, I tried multiple times to use the Xfinity app to report my outage, and I couldn’t connect. To be sure, that could have been a back end problem, but plenty of other sites were slow to the point of not loading at all. Things were better by Wednesday, and as noted in the story all of the providers reported that their issues were mostly fixed. So at least we had that going for us.

Meanwhile, on the government side, there was this.

Texas was quick to ask for federal aid when Hurricane Ike hit in 2008, when Hurricane Harvey struck in 2017, and again when Hurricane Hanna touched down in 2020. But that did not happen this year as Hurricane Beryl approached Houston, triggering a round of finger-pointing between the White House and Texas officials over how quickly federal supplies including food, water and generators should have been distributed.

President Joe Biden told the Houston Chronicle on Tuesday that he had to personally reach out the state’s acting governor, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, for a formal request a day after the storm hit, knocking out power to more than 2 million CenterPoint Energy customers.

“I’ve been trying to track down the governor to see — I don’t have any authority to do that without a specific request from the governor,” Biden said in a call.

That’s not how Texas leaders have handled past hurricanes.

The night before Harvey first made landfall in Texas in 2017, Abbott already had a request signed and submitted to then-President Donald Trump in anticipation of the storm making landfall near Rockport. Days later, the storm hit Houston, dropping more than 50 inches of rain on the city.

In 2020, Abbott requested a major disaster declaration from Trump before Hanna made landfall in South Texas as a Category 1 hurricane.

“I submit this request in anticipation of the impacts of Hurricane Hanna, currently forecast to make landfall as a hurricane along the southern coast of Texas with continuing impacts to counties along the entire Texas coast and further inland,” Abbott said in his letter to Trump.

Abbott’s predecessor, Rick Perry, filed a major disaster declaration with then-President George W. Bush on Sept. 12, 2008, the day before Hurricane Ike made landfall in Galveston as a Category 2 storm with 110-mph winds.

Let me just jump in here to say: all three of those instances occurred when there was a Republican President. Coincidence? You tell me.

Back to the story. Abbott hasn’t said whether he started working on a disaster declaration before swanning off to Korea for whatever it is he was doing there. He says he left Dan Patrick in charge, and ol’ Danno says he needed to see what the damage looked like before he could get on that. (He hasn’t waited to whine about the media, which is more in his wheelhouse.)

But neither he nor Perry waited to do assessments in the past, and a former FEMA official said major disaster declarations do not need to wait for thorough on-the-ground reviews. Since Hurricane Katrina devastated Louisiana in 2005, governors have routinely filed major disaster declarations even before storms make landfall to ensure federal supplies and personnel get to an area fast.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said in a statement on Tuesday that the Federal Emergency Management Administration was left to draft the wording of the Beryl declaration for Texas, something state officials typically do themselves.

FEMA said in a statement on Monday that it had emergency supplies, including 500,000 meals and 800,000 liters of water, “ready to distribute at the state’s request.”

Abbott’s absence during a major weather event is unusual, said Darryl Paulson, a political scientist at the University of South Florida.

“It’s standard operating procedure for governors of a state in a natural disaster situation to cancel any trips they may have planned to stay in their state and handle what potentially could be a massive state emergency,” Paulson said.

In 2008, when Hurricane Gustav was in the Gulf of Mexico, Perry and then-Florida Gov. Charlie Crist canceled plans to attend the Republican National Convention in Minnesota even though both had spent weeks planning their trips. The storm never hit Texas or Florida, but because it could have, governors from all the Gulf Coast states stayed home.

“The governor’s responsibility first is to the people of his state and protecting the people of his state,” Paulson said.

Sure would be nice to have a Governor like that, wouldn’t it?

Anyway. If you or someone you know is dealing with major damage post-Beryl, beware of scammers.

On Wednesday, the Federal Emergency Management Agency announced a disaster declaration was approved by President Joe Biden, which will allow affected residents to apply for federal disaster aid.

Now more than ever, it is important to keep a close eye for official news from city and county officials before giving your information away for any form of aid.

Scammers have become more creative and convincing, especially after emergency situations. Scams can come in several forms, such as text messages, emails, phone calls, or simply a person knocking at your door offering disaster-recovery services.

Here are some tips on how to identify and avoid scammers based on consumer advice by the Federal Trade Commission:

A lot of this advice will sound familiar, but there’s a reason these scams work. Read and review and watch out for the bad guys.

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I have a hard time believing this.

A crook any way you look

Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday evening said the Texas House ethics committee, which scheduled a meeting for next week, is planning to recommend impeaching him a second time.

“Next week’s House General Investigating Committee is yet another desperate attempt by the Republican establishment to impeach me,” Paxton said in a statement. “Their bitter obsession with taking me down knows no bounds, and they will stop at nothing to remove me from office.”

Paxton did not provide evidence for his claim. A Paxton spokesperson did not respond to a request for further comment.

A member of the committee not authorized to speak for the group, however, said there was “no truth whatsoever” to Paxton’s claim.


In his statement Wednesday, Paxton said a second impeachment effort was being waged by “lame-duck Republicans” who “lost their primaries thanks to my support.”

Of the 60 House Republicans who voted to impeach Paxton last year, 13 lost their primaries and another four, including Murr, did not seek reelection. Most of the defeats were Republicans who were also targeted by Gov. Greg Abbott over their opposition to private school vouchers.

Putting aside the fact that Paxton is a lying liar who lies a lot and thus should never be believed, the claim just makes no sense on its face. Why would most of those Republicans want to revisit this issue, given the electoral consequences and the fact that it would be just as dead in the Senate now as it was last year? I can believe that enough of them might think Paxton deserves to be held accountable in some form, but this would just be another opportunity for them to be abused by the base. That might be worth the effort if they had a path to success, but they clearly don’t.

The story notes the recent signs of activity in the FBI investigation of Paxton, but 1) that’s all still rumor and hearsay, 2) even if it’s true we’re a long way off from anything resembling a trial, if it ever came to that, and 3) surely the Biden Justice Department announcing indictments against Ken Paxton would just cause more Republican rallying around him. How many legislative Republicans would still be on board after that? Color me extremely skeptical.

Honestly, the more interesting question is why Paxton would even bother to air this accusation. The primaries mostly vindicated him. Dade Phelan is highly unlikely to be Speaker again. Dan Patrick had his back. What’s his angle here? I’m open to suggestion.

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CenterPoint’s uninspired performance

So what happened here?

CenterPoint Energy faced an early round of scrutiny Tuesday about whether it adequately prepared for Hurricane Beryl, as more than 1 million Houston-area customers prepared to sweat through multiple days without power.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, utility experts and local residents questioned whether the company, which manages the electricity infrastructure serving nearly all of Harris and Fort Bend counties, could have done more to reduce widespread outages and shorten restoration times.

The scrutiny follows CenterPoint leaders acknowledging that they didn’t expect Beryl to hit Houston as hard as it did Monday morning, when the Category 1 hurricane slammed into the Texas coast and brought winds approaching 100 mph to the region. A CenterPoint spokesperson said Tuesday that the company didn’t forecast the storm turning toward Greater Houston, though meteorologists widely predicted the possibility of severe winds and scattered flooding hitting the region.

About 1.4 million customers remained without power as of Tuesday evening, about 36 hours after Hurricane Beryl arrived in Greater Houston. CenterPoint officials have said most of them might not have electricity until Thursday at the earliest.

Patrick, who is serving as acting governor while Gov. Greg Abbott is in Asia on an economic development trip, said Tuesday that he expects the state Legislature and Public Utility Commission of Texas will review CenterPoint’s actions before the storm. The lieutenant governor said he’s reserving judgment on CenterPoint’s approach until he gets a full report on how the company planned and dispatched work crews, though he was skeptical of claims that the storm path changed.

“Any thought that people were surprised that the storm might come to Houston is shocking to me,” Patrick said. “CenterPoint will have to answer for themselves if they were prepared and positioned.”

CenterPoint leaders attempted to dispel the idea Tuesday that the company wasn’t prepared for Hurricane Beryl, pointing to the 12,000 out-of-area frontline workers laboring to restore power Tuesday. CenterPoint coordinated before the storm with about 2,500 utility crew members from outside of the region and state to jump into action, then called nearly 10,000 more after the hurricane moved through Houston.

“No storm is alike. We looked at what was projected to be the path and what the impact would be and we prepared for that,” CenterPoint Director of Communications Alyssia Oshodi said in an interview Tuesday. “But what resulted was a little bit off what we thought the path was, and much more of a significant impact than what we initially thought we were going to see.”


While online criticism and political pressure toward CenterPoint mounted Tuesday, meteorologists and engineers cautioned that storm preparedness is a complicated calculus for utility companies.

Michael Webber, an energy resources professor and chair at the University of Texas at Austin, said utilities must run a cost-benefit analysis before every severe weather event to determine how many outside utility crews to hire. Webber said he didn’t believe CenterPoint was “particularly negligent,” noting that many people were caught off-guard by the severity of the storm.

“You don’t know how bad the hurricane’s going to be, and you don’t want to have 10,000 people there if you only need 3,000, because you have to pay for it,” Webber said. “It’s a balancing act.”

Matt Lanza, editor and meteorologist at Space City Weather, said in an interview Tuesday that Beryl was far more destructive in some areas than expected. Lanza said the storm rapidly intensified at landfall and lasted longer than expected over land, producing damage more representative of a stronger Category 2 storm.

“Meteorologists had all talked about that a couple days beforehand, saying we’re really going to have some issues, particularly south of I-10,” Lanza said. “The only thing a bit surprising was the damage north of I-10. I didn’t expect to see quite as much there.”

Still, Lanza said government officials and utility providers had at least two to three days of advance notice that the storm could cause major problems for Houston. Paul Lock, manager of local government relations for CenterPoint, argued Tuesday that the storm shifted in the 24 hours before it hit Houston.

“Especially after the derecho, why wouldn’t you overly prepare for something that could be more intense,” Lanza said.


While CenterPoint fields questions about its preparations for Beryl, Webber pointed to longstanding weaknesses in Texas’ electricity infrastructure — such as old poles, wires and transformers — as an issue that will continue to make hurricane season difficult for Houstonians.

“What’s happening now is more of a preview of the future than people recognize,” said Webber. “We as a society have to grapple with the fact that we built our grid for the weather of the 1970s and now we’ve got the weather of the 2020s.”

Webber noted that CenterPoint filed a wide-ranging resiliency plan with the Texas Public Utility Commission in April, outlining more than $2 billion in updates it wants to make between 2025 and 2027. The largest share of the spending, roughly $1.5 billion, would go toward replacing utility poles and towers, rebuilding circuits and upgrading equipment near the Gulf Coast.

Funding for the updates could come from government grants or customer rate hikes, among other sources.

“There’s a fundamental reckoning we have to go through as a society,” Webber said. “That means investing more to make the system more robust, and that’s going to cost more.”

In no particular order: I’ll believe Dan Patrick’s threats to Do Something about CenterPoint when I see him actually do something, by which I mean actual oversight, with enforcement mechanisms, that doesn’t result in a bunch of costs being pushed onto the customers. Let’s just say that the track record there for our Republican state overlords is not compelling.

As for the mustering of repair workers ahead of the storm, I tend to agree with Matt Lanza here: Especially after the derecho experience, and with the clear threat of Beryl, it seems clear that it was better to overprepare. This too is something that Dan Patrick and the Legislature could address, including minimum thresholds and contingency funding to cover “over-prepared” situations.

And the point about having a 70s grid facing 2020s weather, that too could be addressed by the Lege, and also by Congress. Again, it’s one part a matter of standards and one part a matter of funding. What’s the plan here? What, ideally, would CenterPoint want to help them do better the next time?

Be all that as it may, the Chron was unimpressed.

Speaking of preparation, how about a little from CenterPoint? The company didn’t even have the foresight to stage out-of-town repair crews in Houston prior to Beryl making landfall. KHOU reported Monday


We’re also left wondering how a Category 1 storm could’ve caused more power outages in Houston than a stronger Category 2 storm 16 years ago. Is it possible that our disaster planning has regressed?

In the wake of Ike, which left around 2 million without power, some for more than two weeks, then-Mayor Bill White commissioned a task force, which included representatives from CenterPoint, to examine the cause of Houston’s power outages and outline needed improvements. Many of the recommendations, released in 2009, are as salient now as they were then, yet it’s unclear whether CenterPoint has followed through on all of them. The utility did not respond to our request for comment. evening that these crews still hadn’t arrived yet, roughly six hours after the storm exited the city. When asked why they weren’t here already, a CenterPoint spokesperson told KHOU, “Beryl made more of an impact to our area than many believed was going to happen.” Of course, anyone with a weather app on their smartphone had known for days that the Houston region was directly in the storm’s path.

Among the report’s findings was that tree limbs falling on power and service lines during high winds caused most of the grid failures during Ike. In the years since, CenterPoint trimmed tens of thousands of trees in the Houston area. Texas’ Public Utility Commission requires utilities to file annual reports about vegetation management, but, because this is Texas, doesn’t impose any specific requirements. In its 2023 filing, CenterPoint reported “proactive” vegetation management along 4,608 miles of power distribution circuits last year, with plans for another 3,500 miles in 2024, but the company didn’t specify where exactly that work was done.

White’s task force recommended building out an “intelligent” grid system with remote units attached to power poles that would allow CenterPoint to automatically re-route power where it’s needed without a technician showing up to fix it. NPR reported in 2013 that 25% of the Houston power grid was equipped with these devices, but it’s unclear if that work has been completed.

The report even floated the idea of placing power lines underground, which would protect parts of the grid from extreme wind events. This “undergrounding” process, however, can be prohibitively expensive: $35 billion for all of Houston, at least in 2009 dollars. And guess who would pay? The customers. Instead, the report recommended undergrounding lines primarily for critical facilities such as sewage treatment plants, hospitals and assisted living facilities.

Burying power lines, it should be noted, can also be problematic in a place like Houston that floods, and when lines are damaged below ground, it can take longer to identify the problem and make repairs.

Still, technology is always improving and there are other solutions out there for states that are willing to look.

Florida, frequently battered by powerful hurricanes, provides a beacon of hope. After a series of major storms in 2004 and 2005, the Florida Public Service Commission forced its utilities to adopt several measures to buttress its grid, including replacing wooden transmission poles with sturdier concrete ones, proactive tree-trimming and undergrounding some power lines. When Hurricane Ian, a Category 4 storm, hit the state in 2022, more than 2.1 million people lost power, yet within 24 hours roughly two-thirds of customers got it back. Within eight days, except for parts of the state where the grid needed to be rebuilt, every customer had their lights on.

I mean, when Florida is being held up as a good example for what you should be doing, you need to do better. I don’t know what else to say.

Anyway. Here’s that new CenterPoint outage map, which as of Wednesday morning didn’t have any indicators of when service might be back for a given area. All I know is that my immediate area is still in the “assessment in progress” state. Sigh. At least my mother-in-law has power back, so we have some relief. Hope you have power one way or another. The Press has more.

UPDATE: That new CenterPoint outage map has some accuracy issues. Caveat lector.

UPDATE: And since last night, my piece of the neighborhood has now moved into the green zone. Yes, I have power again, which is great and wonderful and not the norm for my immediate area. Hoping for the best for everyone who is still waiting. The map’s primary green color now means “partially energized”, which may be their way of explaining why some folks living in those areas are still in the dark.

UPDATE: Walking around the neighborhood this morning, it appears more power has been restored than the map made me think. Maybe they’re just slow in updating it, I dunno. Here’s the current status per the Chron:

About 1.2 million customers were still in the dark and without air conditioning in a triple-digit heat index two days after Hurricane Beryl ripped through Houston.

CenterPoint promised it would restore 1 million customers Wednesday; by the end of Tuesday, the company had restored about one-third of total outages. The company’s website showed 1,371,480 customers were still without power as of 4:55 a.m. Wednesday, down from more than 2.26 million during Hurricane Beryl Monday.


CenterPoint Energy plans to restore power by Sunday evening to 750,000 of the more than 1 million customers still without power in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, according to a release from the company.

Workers had restored power to 1 million customers by late Wednesday, and said they “are nearing completion” of work to assess damages from the hurricane and fallen trees in the area. Centerpoint said it plans to restore power to 400,000 customers by Friday night and 350,000 Saturday amid frustrations regarding the lack of power and a lack of clear communications from the company.

So much sympathy for everyone still sweating in the dark. I wish you all the best.

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Flooding in Texas

We have a lot. We’re going to get more. Any questions?

The combination of rising sea levels and sinking land along the Texas Gulf Coast has made the region one of the most frequently flooded in the country, according to a report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The frequency of flooding along the Texas Gulf Coast over the past decade averaged 10.7 days a year, compared with a national average for coastal regions of 6.8 days, the report found. The frequency is a marked increase from the 1950s, when flooding along the Gulf Coast was a relatively rare occurrence and Galveston averaged just 0.1 days of flooding per year, according to estimates compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

While coastal flooding in the United States was at one time largely linked to hurricanes and other larger storms, parts of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts will now flood even on sunny days, potentially turning what is now dry land into wetlands or open water, the EPA cautioned.

The report comes amid growing warnings from scientists that global greenhouse gas emissions threaten to further warm the planet and drive sea level rise up even faster in decades to come.

“Over the last 30 years the rates of sea level rise along the Gulf Coast have been the highest in the nation, and it’s only going to accelerate,” said William Sweet, an oceanographer at NOAA. “Beyond 2050 we’re talking beyond the goal posts, with the potential for some really big numbers if emissions don’t abate.”

While rising sea levels area are a global phenomenon, the Gulf is especially prone to flooding because the land around it is steadily subsiding, through a combination of natural compaction and the extraction of water, oil and natural gas, Sweet said.

NOAA estimates that by 2100 sea levels along the Gulf of Mexico will be between 2 and 6 feet higher than they are now, putting many of Texas’ barrier islands under water and inundating coastal towns and cities. That is likely to compromise sewage systems, roads and water systems, along with other infrastructure, potentially making many communities uninhabitable.

An earlier study suggested up to a foot of sea level rise along the Gulf Coast, but that was for everywhere, not just Texas. The study cited here is about climate change indicators and was sufficiently long that I didn’t scan through it looking for the specific data mentioned in this story. Suffice it to say, we may be seeing significant effects sooner rather than later. Might be nice to try to do something about it, I dunno. Here, here’s the song you’re thinking about now, to ease the mood a little:

I feel like we’re going to have to start rethinking our metaphors, some of this is hitting a little too close to home.

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Judge Aguilar back on the bench

As expected following the dismissal of the charges against him.

The State Commission on Judicial Conduct has lifted the suspension of a Harris County felony court judge after a misdemeanor assault case against him was dismissed.

The chair of the state commission on July 8 signed an order lifting Judge Frank Aguilar’s suspension, explaining that the decision came after the criminal case ended.

“The order of suspension required that such suspension remain in effect until the charge set forth in the information is dismissed…” Chair Gary Steel wrote.

Prosecutors earlier this month contended probable cause exists against Aguilar, of the 228th District Court, who was accused of assaulting his girlfriend at his Galveston property, but there was “insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt,” according to their motion to dismiss. A judge signed off on the dismissal.

Aguilar had denied the allegations from the beginning.

See here, here, and here for the background. Not much to add, this is about as good an outcome for Judge Aguilar as he could want. I hope this is the last time he has to go through this.

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Texas blog roundup for the week of July 8

The thoughts and prayers of the Texas Progressive Alliance are with everyone in the path of Hurricane Beryl as we bring you this week’s roundup.

Continue reading

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The power situation

Rough times for CenterPoint.

Hurricane Beryl “more heavily impacted” Houston’s electric infrastructure than originally anticipated, the area’s primary electricity provider said Monday in an afternoon press release.

The Cat 1 hurricane led to widespread outages affecting more than 2.26 million customers across the Houston metro area, according to the utility’s website.

CenterPoint did not provide a timeline for service restoration in the press release, saying its crews are still assessing the damage sustained by its electric systems during the storm. Beryl pummeled Houston early Monday, causing widespread flooding, infrastructure damage and at least four deaths.

While customers along unimpacted systems may see power restored quickly, others in harder-hit areas “may experience prolonged outages and should prepare accordingly,” the company said. CenterPoint did not identify which areas should expect to remain without power.

That was from midday Monday. On Monday night, CenterPoint sent out an email saying they hoped to have at least one million customers’ power restored by the end of the day Wednesday. The Chron has more.

CenterPoint Energy estimated Monday evening that it would restore power to 1 million customers by end of day Wednesday, July 10.


CenterPoint’s outage tracker reported nearly 1.9 million customers affected — down from a peak 2.26 million– on Monday night. A spokesperson said Monday evening it restored power to nearly 285,000 customers on Monday; it is unclear how many of those are temporary restorations.

In a statement late Monday afternoon, CenterPoint said it would estimate when power would be restored only after its crews complete a damage assessment. The statement did not address how long the assessment would take; crews must also begin routing power through intact lines and clearing vegetation.

After that damage assessment, CenterPoint said it would begin publishing estimates of when power will be restored, with those projections growing more detailed over time.

At a press conference hosted by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo on Monday afternoon, CenterPoint official Paul Locke said in response to questions that the utility will “have a better idea sometime tomorrow (Tuesday) on the timeline (for) restoration.”

“We understand how difficult it is to be without power for any amount of time, especially in the heat,” said Lynnae Wilson, a CenterPoint vice president, said in the company’s prepared statement. “We are laser focused on the important and time-sensitive work that lies ahead.”

The company’s statement also noted that “customers in the hardest-hit areas may experience prolonged outages and should prepare accordingly.” It did not specify the areas considered hardest-hit.

The number of homes and businesses in the dark is more than double those left powerless during the peak of May’s derecho event, which knocked 922,000 offline. It took six days to restore nearly all of those customers.

Monday morning’s outage is the largest total number of Houston area customers without electricity in CenterPoint history, topping the 2.1 million customers who lost power during Hurricane Ike in September 2008.

It took us three days to get our power back in May. I’m hoping we’re among the lucky ones this time, but we’ll see. The number of affected customers was at 1.7 million on Tuesday morning. I may or may not be able to get an update into this post before Wednesday. Hang in there.

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More on the infant mortality study

Mother Jones takes a closer look at a recent study that showed a significant increase in infant mortality in Texas since the passage of SB8 in 2021.

Since then, as wave after wave of post-Dobbs abortion restrictions have been enacted in deep-red states, reproductive rights advocates and journalists have—rightly—focused their attention on the effects of those draconian laws on the health and autonomy of women.

The reports of harm to pregnant patients, however, though wrenching, have been anecdotal, which has limited their ability to move the most conservative hearts and minds. Then there is an additional factor: It’s not clear that many far-right lawmakers and courts actually care about the well-being of women.

But they do claim to care about babies, which is why a new study about SB8 and infant mortality is so important. A team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University has spent the two-and-a-half years since SB8 took effect crunching data on infant deaths in Texas and other states, then re-crunching it to confirm their results. They found that as women whose access to abortion was drastically curtailed by SB8 began to give birth in 2022, those infants were dying at much higher rates compared both to the period before the law took effect and to other states that didn’t have near-bans.

The likeliest reason, according to Alison Gemmill, a lead author on the study, is that more women were forced to carry what are sometimes called “medically futile” pregnancies to term. These are pregnancies in which the fetus had catastrophic genetic and other anomalies incompatible with life outside the womb. Unsurprisingly, many of those newborns quickly died. The study’s measured academic language— “Restrictive abortion policies may have important unintended consequences in terms of trauma to families and medical cost”—barely hints at the depth of suffering imposed by SB8.

I mentioned the study in passing here, but haven’t seen much written about it since then. For all the obvious and understandable focus on effects on maternal health, there are very few instances of women dying after childbirth annually, and not all such deaths may be the result of childbirth, all of which makes statistical analysis challenging. But there are a lot more infant deaths, and they are just simply the death of a child under the age of one year, so there are no questions about what “counts”. From the interview with Professor Gemmill:

Once you did your analysis, what stood out?

Overall, we found a 13 percent increase in the number of infant deaths in Texas after the law went into effect. For the rest of the United States, the increase was 2 percent. And deaths due to congenital anomalies—a fancy term for birth defects and the leading cause of infant mortality overall—rose by 23 percent in Texas, while in the rest of the US, there was a decline.

We expected to find an increase, based on the prior studies. But I was surprised at the magnitude of the change, especially the increase in babies who died from congenital anomalies.

We did our analyses in a number of different ways, and the findings were consistent. All of this very much points to a causal connection between the abortion policy and an increase in infant deaths.

Do you have an idea of what might have caused that spike in infant deaths?

No doubt, some deaths were related to complications suffered by the mother. The connection between maternal complications, for example preeclampsia [pregnancy-related hypertension], and the health of the infant is very real. But above and beyond that, there’s a more direct mechanism. Before SB8 parents who got a diagnosis of a serious fetal abnormality had the option to terminate. But after the law took effect, abortion was completely off the table. So you’re going to see more births of babies with congenital anomalies that are incompatible with life. And shortly after birth, those infants are going to die.

Could you explain what kind of birth defects you are talking about?

There are many types of congenital abnormalities, some of which are less serious. But in the case of this study, these were profound abnormalities—things like major heart defects, or vital organs that are missing or incomplete or not functioning properly. These are conditions that wouldn’t be detected before six weeks of pregnancy and once they were detected, might lead many parents to choose termination, because there’s a lot of potential suffering and pain associated with those cases, for the infant and for the families that have to go through that. But because the Texas law didn’t have an exception for fetal anomalies, they had to carry the pregnancy to term, even knowing the baby would die.


Since Dobbs, 14 states have enacted laws that are more draconian than SB8, including Texas itself, which now has a near-total ban. What would you expect to see as you begin looking at infant mortality data in states that ban abortions at any gestational age with no exceptions for fetal anomalies?

We have no reason to think that the relationship between those abortion policies and infant mortality would be any different in other states. This is something we’re looking into now.

Recently, I’ve been hearing a lot of anti-abortion leaders taking up the same message: abortion supporters who talk about pregnancy emergencies and life-threatening complications are just “fear-mongering.” You know, “Complications hardly ever happen, you’re exaggerating the risks.” Your study seems to show the opposite—a big rise in infant mortality is not what I’d call “fear-mongering.”

To be clear, from the maternal health standpoint, pregnancy can be very dangerous for women. While maternal death itself is rare, severe maternal complications are not nearly as rare as people might think, especially if you have risk factors. In the US, a lot of people have risk factors.

And then there are complications like miscarriage, which are a very common experience that people don’t talk about enough. About 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies in the US end in miscarriage. Miscarriage management is an important issue to bring into this conversation because sometimes you need to have an induced abortion to treat that miscarriage.

Another complication that comes to mind is preterm birth. In the US, 1 in 10 babies are born prematurely, and the rate is much higher if you’re Black or live in certain states. About 1 in 12 babies are born too small. These are not rare outcomes, and they have lifelong impacts.

As you study the effects of abortion restrictions on infant health, what are the kinds of things you and your colleagues are looking at next?

We’re looking at the subgroup effects—disparities by race and other characteristics. We’re interested in infant morbidity [complications] because deaths are just the tip of the iceberg. Are abortion bans associated with changes in rates of complications like preterm birth and low birth weight? How long do infants have to stay in neonatal intensive care? For children with severe congenital anomalies, what kinds of medical interventions will they require?

And we’re looking at impacts on pregnancy care—what happens to people who show up to the clinic with life-threatening conditions in states that have bans? Did they experience severe maternal morbidity that potentially could have been avoided if they had received the care that they would have gotten prior to these bans?

There’s more, so read the rest. I’m a little surprised this hasn’t gotten more attention, but who knows why those things do or don’t happen. As the body of research increases, and undoubtedly continues to show the harmful effects of abortion bans, this will get out there.

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Tuesday Beryl checkin

I’ve got no power but I do have Internet, so here’s a brief Beryl overview for you. We’re all fine and we do have some battery power to charge devices and keep the fridge and freezer cold, but expect things to be limited for the next couple of days.

Here’s storm coverage from TPR, Space City Weather, the Reform Austin. The main headline is that over 2 million CenterPoint customers in the Houston area are without power. Repair work will start in earnest once the storm is fully clear, so at the time of this writing there’s no estimate for how long it might take.

Mayor Whitmire is asking people to stay off the streets and shelter in place. There were a lot of downed tree branches in our neighborhood, though not as much as with the derecho. No uprooted trees that I saw, at least within a couple blocks of my house. I’m sure the earlier damage reduced the potential for this time. Maybe that will make recovery a little easier.

Finally, Greg Abbott had a Ted Cruz moment on his little junket to South Korea. Don’t hurry home, dude.

Hang in there, y’all. We will get through this.

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Should we appeal the zombie ReBuild lawsuit ruling?

Controller Hollins says no. Mayor Whitmire seems likely to go ahead anyway.

Houston Controller Chris Hollins has warned Mayor John Whitmire’s administration about potential financial challenges the city could face if it were to appeal a state appellate court ruling requiring the city to put hundreds of millions more dollars toward street and drainage projects.

The yearslong lawsuit started after engineers who helped create a charter amendment affecting how Houston funded street and drainage projects sued the city, arguing that the way officials were calculating funding projects under the amendment was illegal.

In April, the 14th Court of Appeals ruled in the engineers’ favor and told the city it needed to put roughly double the amount of property taxes it currently puts toward its streets and drainage projects. Whitmire’s first budget put only $135 million in tax dollars toward drainage, but the lawsuit’s plaintiffs have said the court-ordered figure would need to be about $100 million more.

City Attorney Arturo Michel previously said the city plans to appeal the case to the Texas Supreme Court, which returned the case to a lower court last year before it found its way back to the 14th Court of Appeals. Drainage dollars will be allocated under next year’s budget in the case the court rejects the motion.

City Attorney Arturo Michel previously said the city plans to appeal the case to the Texas Supreme Court, which returned the case to a lower court last year before it found its way back to the 14th Court of Appeals. Drainage dollars will be allocated under next year’s budget in the case the court rejects the motion.

Michel has said the city wouldn’t feel a financial impact as a result of the lawsuit until the next budget in 2026. But if the city lost the lawsuit again, Hollins told the City Council on Tuesday, the city would have to pay back $110 million to $120 million immediately, creating another “big potential expense” in this year’s budget, which already is stretched thin.

“We have to be clear about in the instance that if we were to lose that lawsuit — which we’ve now lost twice in a row on it — how we cover that for the current fiscal year,” Hollins said.

Hollins also questioned Michel’s logic on the city not having to foot the bill this year.

“I haven’t seen any legal standing for that position,” Hollins said. “So we just need to be prepared and have an understanding, again, of how that cost is going to be covered on the downside scenario.”

See here and here for the background. The argument from City Attorney Arturo Michel is that if the city waits till the last minute to file, then given the likelihood of briefings and the Court’s slow pace of proceedings, there probably wouldn’t be a ruling until the end of this fiscal year. As such, any negative effects from an adverse ruling could be dealt with in the next budget. That may be true, and delaying expenditures via various technical means is a tried and true budgetary strategy in Texas (very much at the Legislative level, as Mayor Whitmire knows well), but I didn’t see an argument in there that the city had a shot at winning their appeal, which makes me a little skittish. I Am Not A Lawyer and I don’t know how these things go, but my general world view is that you keep fighting when you have a shot at winning or you have no other choice. I’m not sure that applies here. Am I missing something?

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Here’s Beryl

Hoping for the best.

Beryl is on the cusp of regaining hurricane status this evening as it lumbers its way north northwest through the western Gulf of Mexico. At this point, it’s mostly a waiting game as the outer bands of the core are almost ashore near Matagorda.

Beryl has thrown many curve balls at us during its life cycle, and the one curve tonight is whether or not its inner core has completely shed the dry air it took in yesterday off Mexico. Satellite imagery suggests it has not shed this dry air, and that may be what has kept Beryl from looking like it’s ready to take off today. The cinnamon bun look to Beryl on radar is another tell-tale sign of this. It’s organizing and strengthening; it’s just slow and steady. It is somewhat fortunate that it took in that dry air yesterday because otherwise, we would almost certainly have a rapidly intensifying hurricane approaching Texas tonight.

With the storm likely to make landfall between midnight and 3 AM, it has roughly 6 to 8 hours to do whatever it is going to do. This certainly caps the upside of intensity a bit, and it feels a little difficult to think a category 2 will happen here. Category 1? Certainly a possibility, even a likelihood. And really, it becomes mostly a technicality at that point. We still expect hurricane-force winds in the Matagorda Bay region, perhaps into Brazoria County and 10 to 20 miles inland from there. Tropical storm force winds will likely overspread much of the Houston metro. I would say widespread power outages remain a good bet, though the hope will be that the damage is cosmetic enough that restoration will take less than 5 to 7 days for most people. That’s somewhat speculative but that’s the hope.

Meanwhile, the rainfall story will be status quo, Heavy rain is expected along and to the right of Beryl’s track into Texas. This will lead to a pretty healthy flash flooding event in the Houston area and beyond. The limit is on how quickly Beryl will move, which should help cap rain totals somewhat. Still, travel will be difficult in Houston and other parts of Texas overnight and Monday morning.

The flash flooding threat will lift quickly into northeast Texas and parts of the Piney Woods tomorrow afternoon. Beryl will assist in bringing heavy rain all the way north into parts of the Midwest, including near Chicago and into Michigan and Indiana. The remnants will be absorbed into a front and system that moves into New England by Wednesday or so as well, so a flooding threat from Beryl may extend far from where it comes ashore tonight.

That was the update from last night at 9:30. By now, as you read this, you have some idea of how bad this storm is. Hopefully, its effects will be mostly in passing. Stay safe and we’ll keep an eye on the recovery.

UPDATE: Beryl made landfall near Matagorda as a Cat 1 hurricane. It could have intensified more on its way here but was limited by drier air. It’s still on its way to the Houston area at this time.

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Bond spending so far

HISD is presumably going to spend some amount of money to get its bond passed. It has already spent some money putting the bond package together.

Houston ISD has spent at least $700,000 developing and promoting its $4.4 school bond proposal that it plans to put on the ballot in November, according to district records.

HISD said in a statement that it has paid at least three different firms between February and April to “research, explore and engage the community on the need for a potential bond,” which includes conducting a facilities assessment, holding focus groups and meetings, developing websites and presentations, and analyzing enrollment and facility utilization data.

The district said it has budgeted to pay for all of its bond-related expenses through its general fund, but it did not say how much it plans to spend in total on the bond before a potential vote. If the bond is approved, the appointed Board of Managers approved a resolution that would allow HISD to reimburse itself with bond funds for any eligible bond expenses spent after April 12.

“If the Board does not decide to put the bond on the ballot, or if the voters do not approve the bond, all of these initial expenditures will inform future decision-making and drive the ongoing work to improve the facilities conditions for all students,” the district said in a statement.

First, as a matter of full disclosure, I’m friends with Mustafa Tameez, the CEO of Outreach Strategies, which is one of the three firms mentioned in this story.

The main issue I have with this story is that I don’t know how to evaluate it. It’s not surprising to me that HISD would spend some money putting the bond proposal together. That seems like a fairly normal expenditure, the sort of thing you hire consultants for since you don’t have that expertise in house. What I don’t know is how this compares to previous bond issuances. Is the amount spent on the development of this proposal in line with earlier ones, with adjustments made for inflation and the size of the proposal, or is it not? How does it compare with other large urban/suburban school district issuances? I have no idea. It would be nice to know. This is something that should be checked as a matter of course, but especially for this no-oversight administration, which has extensive transparency issues and deserves zero benefit of the doubt.

Now, assuming the bond does go forward, there will be more spending to come. HISD will spend some amount of money promoting the bond, though they are limited in what they can say. Others can set up PACs to support or oppose the bond, and it remains to be seen how much money will be spent on those efforts. With the lack of competitive races locally, this could be the big ticket item on the ballot. We’ll know for sure by mid-August.

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The answer to “who watches the watchers” is “Ken Paxton”

I don’t think even Molly Ivins could have found a way to make this funny.

Still a crook any way you look

For more than a year, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has owed the state over $11,000 in fines for filing late campaign finance reports. Now, his office is charged with collecting the money.

The situation presents a clear conflict of interest for enforcement of the state’s campaign finance laws, said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a government watchdog group.

“If I didn’t pay a parking ticket and incurred a fine as a penalty, most Texans would find it absurd if I also got to review my fine and have a role in deciding whether any action should be taken to collect that fine,” he said.

The Texas Ethics Commission can levy fines against candidates who miss the deadline to disclose their campaign donors. If they don’t pay, it’s up to the attorney general’s office to file suit to collect the money.

The ethics commission referred Paxton’s unpaid fines to the attorney general’s office in April, public records show. The office has not yet filed collections litigation against him and did not respond to a request for comment. Neither did his campaign.

The office, as of mid-June, has only filed one collections lawsuit this year against a state House candidate who owed more than $40,000, the fourth-highest delinquent fine in the state. Before that, the office had not filed any suits since September 2023.


Campaign finance enforcement isn’t the only state process in which the Texas attorney general’s office is its own overseer. The office’s open records division has the ultimate say over what is exempt from disclosure under state law — including when the public records requests seek information about Paxton or his agency.

The office has said in previous interviews that it institutes a firewall within the agency to make sure that all requests are treated fairly. Gutierrez said that’s not enough.

“It just isn’t realistic to expect any state agency employee, who serves at the pleasure of the person elected to lead that agency, to be able to be truly independent in making judgment calls about their boss,” Gutierrez said. “There is no firewall that would make this process workable. We simply need a different process.”

Paxton’s just ahead of the curve as usual, correctly anticipating a world in which immunity for “official acts” that were once naively seen as “crimes” is baked into the system. The man is nothing if not in the right place at the right time.

As the story notes, Paxton’s co-insurrectionist First Assistant Attorney Brent Webster also owes a $1,000 fine for campaign finance violations from 2016. That has also been referred to the AG’s office, and I’m sure they’ll get right on it now that it’s in the papers. Other states have less stupid means of enforcing campaign finance laws, such as having an independent agency be responsible for enforcement, or just not letting campaign scofflaws file for election until they resolve the complaints against them.

The Lege of course could resolve this, but of course they won’t. The traditional reason for this was that they didn’t want to empower any potential future consequences against themselves. The modern reason is that after the impeachment fiasco last year followed by the GOP primary revenge tour, there’s absolutely no reason for any Republican legislator to try to do the right thing. It’s one thing to make a sacrifice for an accomplishment, and another thing to self-immolate. I’d have some sympathy if they weren’t all complicit in creating the conditions that led to this.

Some future government that is not like this one could deal with this problem when it gains power. Perhaps a future electorate will care enough about this sort of thing to make it a driver of their voting behavior. Perhaps the most expedient route to a solution at this point is to invent a time machine, go back to when these laws were first being passed, and convince those guys to do it better, given what we now know in the future. This would also work for quite a few other pressing issues of our time. Someone please get started on that.

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Weekend link dump for July 7

“Gotta bring back the bootleg DVD man. This shit ain’t right.”

“If that sounds like the narcissism of small differences exemplified in the classic Emo Phillips joke — “I said ‘Die heretic!’ and I pushed him off the bridge!” — that’s because that’s exactly what it is and exactly how it still functions today.”

“If you are opposed to abortion, you should be opposed to the practice of IVF.”

HBO >> MAX. I know, I’m as shocked as you are.

RIP, Orlando Cepeda, MLB Hall of Fame outfielder mostly for the Giants and Cardinals. I only saw this after last week’s roundup was published or it would have been in there.

“As we finally reach the end of another harrowing US Supreme Court term, one overarching theme has emerged: this Court doesn’t believe in the separation of powers.”

“The truth is that Trump has been getting the criminal justice system’s “platinum door” treatment from the start. His cases are unusual in that he’s a former president. But his status and political position have helped him far more than they have hurt him.”

The state of Louisiana owes Cecil B. DeMille royalties. Or an apology. Possibly both.

“It is unclear, after Monday’s decision, what constitutional checks remain to stop any president from assuming dangerous and monarchical powers that are anathema to representative government.”

“Democrats have no affirmative responsibility to listen to columnists. They don’t have to hold a symposium about everything. Sometimes you simply need to dive into a fight even if that means setting aside some of your own doubts. Democrats don’t have anything to prove on this front. It’s just dumb and self-defeating and if you want to know why no one bothers to write editorials about why Trump should drop out, again this is why.”

Giuliani disbarred in New York for lies about Trump’s 2020 loss”. About damn time.

“Second, it’s important to notice that Colin’s desire for Penelope isn’t even addressed. Only the implausibility of that desire is mentioned. The truth is, though, that Colin wants Penelope, right? He’s not a prisoner in this romance, right? Yet, it’s not Colin’s desire that’s being pathologized or chided at all. It’s Penelope’s body.”

“Here’s a non-comprehensive list of longstanding precedents the Supreme Court has tossed aside recently”.

RIP, Charlotte, the stingray in North Carolina who became famous for her miraculous pregnancy that probably wasn’t.

“Former Chicago Blackhawks general manager Stan Bowman, head coach Joel Quenneville and assistant general manager Al MacIssac have been reinstated by the NHL more than two years after they stepped down from their roles following an investigation into their handling of sexual assault allegations made by former forward Kyle Beach.”

“What Is a Safe Amount of E. Coli for a River?”

“It is a decision of surpassing recklessness in dangerous times.”

“MTV News Lives On In Internet Archive”.

RIP, Robert Towne, Oscar-winning screenwriter for Chinatown and Oscar nominee for Shampoo.

RIP, Glen Gondo, businessman and leader in Houston’s Asian community, known as the “King of sushi”.

Target will not take your personal check any more.

Meet Nikki Hiltz, a transgender nonbinary runner who just made the US Olympics team for the women’s 1500 meter race.

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Keeping an eye on Beryl

From Space City Weather:

In brief: Although we cannot be certain at this time, it increasingly looks as though Tropical Storm Beryl is on track to make landfall somewhere between Corpus Christi and Matagorda Bay on Monday. For the greater Houston area this will result in higher winds, some storm surge, and heavy rainfall, with the greatest impacts likely on Monday. This post goes into what to tentatively expect, and when.

There is understandably a lot of consternation about the forecast for Beryl, which shifted considerably northward during the last day or two toward Houston. However, overnight the majority of our model guidance has stabilized on a landfall along the Coastal Bend of Texas, somewhere between Corpus Christi and Matagorda Bay.

Given the unpredictability of Beryl to date, I don’t blame anyone for being skeptical about this forecast. However there are a couple of reasons for increased confidence. Most importantly, we are only about 48 hours from landfall, and the average track error at this point is approximately 60 miles. And secondly, the models have stopped swinging about wildly and begun to consolidate on a solution.

In this post, we will discuss the effects of this “most likely” storm path on the greater Houston area, from Katy to Baytown, and Galveston to Conroe. For effects across the entire state of Texas, I would point you to The Eyewall.

That was the morning post yesterday, and there have been updates since. Go check both sites for the very latest. Even though Beryl is likely to be a fairly modest hurricane by the time it hits our coast, it’s notable because it was such a big storm so early in the season. We know how active this season is going to be, and that’s what it means. It’s not just about the number of storms, it’s about their size and intensity and frequency, and how early in the season they start and how late in the season they linger. Welcome to the future. I just hope the reservoirs get what they need. The Chron has more.

UPDATE: The Sunday morning report concludes as follow:

Beryl will be an impactful storm for the Houston region. This is far from a worst-case scenario hurricane for our area, but it will be significantly disruptive tonight and on Monday. Beginning this evening, you should shelter in your home. The worst of the winds and rains will come tonight and into Monday morning, with improving conditions thereafter. Due to the likelihood of street flooding on Monday morning, you should carefully consider any plans before noon.

Take heed.

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The HISD bond committee has some feedback

Don’t we all.

Houston ISD should provide more communication and transparency around its $4.4 billion school bond proposal, including plans for pre-K expansion and co-locations of several campuses, before a potential vote in November, according to a recent advisory committee report.

After conducting community meetings and surveys in June, the district’s 28-member Community Advisory Committee shared a report with the appointed Board of Managers last week outlining more than 20 recommendations that address “challenges, opportunities, and questions” with the largest proposed bond in Texas history.

The committee’s list of suggestions for district leaders includes conducting regular public meetings about the bond, providing transparent project timelines, establishing internal officials who can be held accountable for work on the bond and clarifying how the district will address health and safety concerns at campuses if the bond does not pass.

“This is part of the beginning stages of a conversation,” said Judith Cruz, committee co-chair and former HISD board president. “We heard loud and clear from the community … how important that transparency piece is. What we’re recommending is making sure that there’s transparent systems in place and that there’s controls based on lessons learned from previous bond recommendations.”

The bond, if approved, would allocate about $2.27 billion for expanding, rebuilding and renovating campuses with “poor facilities and learning conditions,” with 40 schools set to receive significant overhauls. Of those funds, $580 million would go toward renovating or rebuilding seven campuses to accommodate eight other campuses that would “co-locate” their students.

The committee’s report states that HISD should explain how certain schools were selected for investment, including how the seven co-locations will “address the specific needs and concerns of the affected communities.” The co-locations also should take advantage of common areas and roles while retaining each campus’ unique identity and culture, the recommendations said.

Some of their other suggestions include asking the district to incorporate student enrollment projections and pre-K classrooms in building designs. The district also should explore options to share underutilized space with community partners that could provide services to students, the report says.

The report comes as several HISD teachers, parents and community members have said they are planning to vote against the bond due, in part, to a lack of trust in state-appointed Superintendent Mike Miles and his reforms, such as the New Education System, with some adopting the rallying cry of “No trust. No bond.”

Let’s put a pin in all that for a minute and zoom in on one specific aspect of the bond, which Houston Landing gets into.

A Houston ISD committee advising the district on its proposed $4.4 billion bond is questioning a big piece of the project: investing about $425 million in career and technical education centers.

District officials want to build three new CTE centers and renovate the district’s current CTE center, Barbara Jordan Career Center, which students across HISD visit during the school day for industry-focused classes. The new centers, which would be spread throughout the district, would give students more access to career and technology classes and shorten travel time for students.

But HISD’s bond advisory committee, a group of 28 community members responsible for providing feedback on the district administration’s bond proposal, pushed back in recent days on the plan. Committee members suggested the $425 million could be spent on existing schools, questioned how the centers fit into HISD’s overall CTE plans and called for more details on the proposal.

The committee didn’t oppose building the CTE centers, but it recommended the district consider delaying them until a future bond. The district’s state-appointed board of managers will decide in the coming weeks whether to ask voters to approve a bond package, which would be the largest in Texas history.

“We recommended it primarily because when we looked at the number of them and the amount of the bond proceeds going to the CTE centers, it seemed to be a large amount of money, compared to other priorities of the bond,” said advisory committee co-chair Garnet Coleman, who served three decades in the Texas Legislature.


HISD administrators, including state-appointed superintendent Mike Miles, said the district doesn’t have enough CTE centers to prepare kids for high-paying and high-tech jobs in the modern workforce. Most of the district’s high schools have career-focused classes, but few offer expensive technology and specialized training often found in CTE centers.

In a presentation to HISD board members last week, Miles said HISD needs to immediately build CTE centers to give students the resources they need.

“Even if the bond passes, it’s going to be three years from that time when the first career tech ed center is up and running,” Miles said. “We’re talking about a timeline here. I don’t think our kids can wait.”

This article has a good graphic that shows how the bond money would be allocated, as currently defined. Have a look while I hit on the three things that I thought about while reading these two stories.

1. If this version of HISD had been good at “provid[ing] more communication and transparency” about literally anything, we’d have far fewer problems now than we do. I mean, among many other things Mike Miles royally sucks at communications, to the point where the only reasonable conclusion is that he just doesn’t think it’s worth his time and effort. All I can say is that if the Community Advisory Committee is any better at providing more communication and transparency from Miles and his minions, can we please throw out the Board of Managers and replace them with the CAC? Pretty please?

2. It’s not really the CAC’s problem to manage, but whoever runs the pro-bond campaign really needs to understand the depths of the “no trust, no bond” movement and figure out a way to deal with it, or I believe they will have a hard time passing it despite the electorate’s normal propensity for supporting such bonds. I have no advice to offer here. I’m not sure how much of that contingent is persuadable. I’m just saying they ignore it at their peril.

3. There’s been a debate within HISD and at large for some years now about college readiness versus vocational readiness, which is a way larger discussion than I can deal with in this post. I don’t know enough about CTEs or the reasons why HISD needs more than one of them (unlike other large neighboring districts). I’m just going to note that I find it a little weird to see Mike Miles loudly advocating for them. I know he’s the Superintendent for all of HISD, but I don’t think I’m alone in seeing him first and foremost as a turnaround specialist with a limited mission, specifically to improve the performance of a set number of schools and a set of specific student populations. His main priority is that mission, and anything else he does should be viewed through the lens of whether or not it furthers that mission or distracts from it. I’m not saying we can’t have the CTE stuff in this bond, but to me the default position should be the one taken by the CAC, which is that it would be better to defer this to a later bond. If there’s a compelling reason for it, fine, but if not it’s a distraction and should be put aside.

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Sheriff’s office looking at AI solutions

This actually sounds pretty reasonable to me.

With thousands of hours of body camera footage and non-emergency calls and not enough staff to tackle it all, Harris County Sheriff’s officials are thinking of turning to artificial intelligence to handle some of the load.

Officials with the office named finding ways they might use AI as one of their chief goals for 2024, becoming one of the agencies on the forefront of the technology in law enforcement. But while some agencies are turning to technology like facial recognition software, administrators at the sheriff’s office said they see the biggest benefits are AI’s ability to parse through vast quantities of data.

“We are exploring the potential of AI to enhance public service by facilitating faster and more efficient data retrieval on our website,” said Gary Spurger, director of information technology for the sheriff’s office.

The sheriff’s office has not any contracts for the technology, but are testing its use in several different areas, according to Spurger. Those include using it to sort through body camera video and helping people find incarcerated family members.

Spurger gave an example of a deputy looking into a case involving more than 100 hours of body camera video to sort through. The ability to enter keywords, such as “man wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt,” will help the investigator more efficiently sort through data.

But while the technology can be a good aid, it would ultimately fall on employees to make final determinations, Spurger said.

That to me is a perfectly fine use case for AI. It’s in line with how we use AI in a cybersecurity context, as a way to do refined searches of vast quantities of data with a goal of identifying a generally small number of items of much greater interest. It’s still on the human analyst to review the search results and determine what warrants further investigation. Perhaps this what HPD meant when it was talking about using “AI surveillance” in its operations, and if so then I mostly retract my concerns. AI is good for taking labor-intensive drudge work and turning it into manageable tasks. If that’s the direction they’re going, and assuming that sufficient oversight and checkpoints are in place to assure that algorithms aren’t making judgment decisions, it’s worth pursuing.

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Amarillo to vote on abortion travel ban

I sure hope the opposition to this gets all the support it needs.

Amarillo residents will vote on a so-called abortion travel ban in November, one of the few times Texas voters will have a say on abortion since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022.

Supporters of the measure, who gathered 6,300 verified signatures to petition for approval of the ordinance, submitted their request to city officials to have it placed on the Nov. 5 ballot after the Amarillo City Council rejected it last month, per local rules.

Amarillo Mayor Cole Stanley confirmed reports about the committee requesting to add the ordinance to the November ballot. Stanley said the request will be on the agenda for the council’s next meeting on July 9. The council will take a procedural vote, which Stanley said is expected to pass, so it will be officially placed on the ballot.


After the Amarillo City Council balked at passing the ordinance last year, residents began collecting signatures to petition to have the council consider the measure, and to place it on a local ballot if it wasn’t passed by the council. Last month, the council rejected both the original ordinance and an amended version that would have declared the city a “sanctuary city for the unborn” and prohibited using city roads and highways to seek abortion out of state.

Once the council rejected it, supporters of the ordinance were allowed to place it on the ballot for local voters.

“The people will speak and we will hear what they want,” Amarillo City Council member Tom Scherlen said. “Through our process, we will see which side wins.”

Scherlen added, “When it gets down to it, we live in a democratic society where the vote does count.”


Stanley said the council would still have a role in making sure the public is properly notified on the language of the ordinance, because there are differences from similar laws passed by other cities and counties in Texas.

In a statement, the Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance, a local advocacy group that has rallied against the ordinance, said the travel ban had a “clear and resounding rejection.”

“We are deeply disappointed that the misguided initiating committee has chosen to ignore the majority of Amarillo citizens and our duly elected representatives by placing this unconstitutional ban on the ballot,” the group said in a statement.

I didn’t follow this saga, mostly because I was waiting to see how it ended. That still remains to be seen. As noted in the story, similar “bans” have been passed in other cities and counties, mostly but not entirely small rural ones. Amarillo’s a conservative Republican place, but its Council’s rejection of this ordinance in the past offers some hope. My hope is that the locals who have been fighting this all along get the support and resources they need to mount the fight they’ll need to have for November. Here’s the Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance webpage if you want to learn more or give them a hand.

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Domestic violence charges dismissed against Judge Frank Aguilar


A misdemeanor assault case that led to the suspension of a Harris County felony judge was dismissed Wednesday by Galveston County prosecutors, court records show.

Prosecutors contend probable cause exists against 228th District Court Judge Frank Aguilar, who was accused of assaulting his girlfriend at his Galveston property, but there was “insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt,” according to their motion to dismiss. A judge signed off on the dismissal.

Aguilar’s defense attorney, Mark Diaz, declined to comment on the dismissal. Aguilar could not be reached for comment.

The State Commission on Judicial Conduct suspended Aguilar from the bench with pay in February, about two weeks after a misdemeanor assault charge was filed against him. The commission did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the status of his suspension or whether it could be lifted.

Aguilar was arrested Dec. 31, 2023, after his girlfriend told police that Aguilar punched her and held his foot to her neck in the 9600 block of Teichman Road. The judge countered to authorities that she was intoxicated and throwing beer cans at him. The girlfriend was charged last year in connection with an assault at Aguilar’s property, according to court records.

An affidavit from Aguilar’s girlfriend filed in January urged prosecutors to dismiss the charge, saying that she fell down the stairs and that Aguilar never hit her.

Aguilar was acquitted of another domestic violence charge in 2010.

See here and here for the background. Not a whole lot to add here, the story is what it is. I assume sometime after the holiday weekend that the State Commission on Judicial Conduct will un-suspend Judge Aguilar. As with Judge Kelli Johnson, I hope Judge Aguilar is encouraged to address any underlying issues that may have contributed to this situation, with any and all help that may be available to him.

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A small followup on the West 11th Street safety study

This doesn’t really add much to what we had before, but I figured a little low-stakes story about something good was a thing we could use.

11th Street in the Houston Heights area became safer for everyone, including drivers, after traffic-calming measures and protected bike lanes were installed, according to a Houston Public Works (HPW) study published by Axios.

“I’d say it’s not surprising,” said Nicholas Ferenchak, an assistant professor of civil, construction and environmental engineering at the University of New Mexico. “We did a study of bus rapid transit system in Albuquerque … and we’re actually seeing the same thing. So, it’s not just protected bike lanes, but protected bus lanes as well — just kind of making these corridors more multimodal.”

Despite the apparent improvement and an award from the American Public Works Association, the $2.4 million 11th Street redesign could be reversed. Mayor John Whitmire announced a re-evaluation of multiple street projects in March, along with a deemphasizing of the “Vision Zero” traffic safety initiative. Ferenchak published research in 2019 finding that cities with higher rates of biking are safer for all road users, including drivers. His coauthor was Wesley Marshall, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Colorado Denver.

“I think one of the big findings was that it was the bicycling infrastructure that was sort of the biggest differentiator between the safer cities and the less safe cities,” Marshall said. “More specifically, it was the separated and protected bike infrastructure … it wasn’t just painted bike lanes, it was the better infrastructure that seemed to be one of the biggest differentiators.”


The HPW study published by Axios found that overall travel times “do not appear to have increased significantly” because of the changes, with drivers experiencing less than 10 seconds of additional waiting time during the morning and evening rush hours at the Yale Street Intersection.

“I think there’s a lot of biases that come from behind the windshield, especially when you look at bike lanes or bus lanes,” Marshall said. “The way those operate, they’re gonna seem empty to someone who’s sitting in traffic congestion … you’re going to look over at a bike lane or a bus lane and think, ‘Oh, no one’s using that. I should be over there.’ The math doesn’t support that if you’re actually counting people instead of cars.”

See here for the background. The one thing I’ll add, as someone who has lived in the Heights for over 25 years and who drives down West 11th all the damn time, is that when it was four lanes in total, those lanes were empty most of the time. You’d get a rush of traffic when the lights changed at Studewood and Heights/Yale, but usually just in one of the lanes each way. A similar two-way, four-lane-total thoroughfare like Shepherd between US59 and Allen Parkway was way, way busier, any time of the day. It’s really not a surprise that vehicular traffic on 11th is mostly unaffected.

What those extra lanes meant on 11th was that it was easy to speed like you were accelerating to enter a freeway. That’s what made crossing 11th, especially at the bike trail between Yale and Shepherd, so dangerous. That behavior is now mostly extinct, which is why it’s so much safer. This is not hard to figure out.

Anyway. Even if the bike lanes on 11th didn’t get used all that much, the Heights trail that crosses 11th does, and one no longer takes one’s life in one’s hands when one makes that crossing. And we can put a dollar value on that, as a bonus. We’re not out from under the Mayor’s thumb on this yet – who knows how long he’ll do whatever it is he’s doing about it – but we have that on our side.

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